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Fans accused Jennifer Lopez of injecting Botox - and she got back in them! - Walla! Celebs

1/18/2021, 3:28:44 PM

Do not mess with the famous lady and ass, Jennifer Lopez, just do not, you should not. Otherwise, if, for example, she dares to accuse Jennifer Lopez of undergoing plastic surgery or cosmetic injections that will leave her young forever, she will know in D-Yuk how to answer everything, in front of the whole world. Walla! Crushing celebs

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Fans accused Jennifer Lopez of injecting Botox - and she got back in them!

Do not mess with the famous lady and ass, Jennifer Lopez, just do not, you should not.

Otherwise, if, for example, she dares to accuse Jennifer Lopez of undergoing plastic surgery or cosmetic injections that will leave her young forever, she will know in D-Yuk how to answer everything, in front of the whole world.


Crushing celebs


  • Jennifer Lopez

  • Botox



Monday, 18 January 2021, 16:15

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Jennifer Lopez Models Naked (Instagram)

When you look at pictures of a revered adolescent man or a famous star who looks exactly the same, but just as you thought she did 10, 15, 20 years ago - it's hard not to wonder if it's great genetics, or preservation, design and renovation for a "forever young" look, with the help of his friend The good of the famous man, the plastic surgeon.

So guess what, Lady and Big Booty,

Jennifer Lopez are

tired of talking to her or commenting on the subject.

So when she posted on a video network after using one of her cosmetics and got reactions that were not to her liking, ones that claimed she was not that honest because face cream just is not enough to look as young, fresh and taut as she is (even in full nudity), Jay Lou just answered the talkback The cheeky ... in what apparently left some critics speechless.

Gossip about Jay Lou's words on Instush as well

This is how Jennifer Lopez once looked (Photo: GettyImages, Mark Mainz)

But this is how Jay Lou looks today!

(Photo: GettyImages)

Lopez, already 51 years old (and does not look a day over 37), posted a makeup-free video on Instagram, in which she recommended the face mask of the new cosmetics brand under her name and praised her, apparently, for the miracles and wonders she wrought for her private wedge.

So it is, that among the dozens of responses that it was not the mask, but aided by intrusive and more expensive cosmetic procedures over the years, there was also someone who wrote to her sharply and smoothly that “if only to mention that your eyebrows and forehead do not move at all when talking or trying to express something with the face. "Sure you injected Botox. Tons of it. And everything's fine. Just saying."


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To the full article

Jenny from the block, as a "real" lady as she points out in her songs from time to time, did not hold back and had to respond.

Because why slander, ha, so she wrote back to her "Ha, that's just my face! For the 500 millionth time, I've never done Botox or injections or surgeries! Just saying ...".

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A post shared by Jennifer Lopez (@jlo)

So, she continued in response to her vicious reaction in front of her 138 million (!) Followers on Instush, noting that the skeptical follower should purchase her products and then talk to the star again, "and here's another Jay Lou beauty secret: Try spending your time in positivity, courtesy and exaltation. "Do not waste your time trying to bring down others. This is what will keep you young and beautiful! Sending you love," she concluded alongside the tags "beauty is outward" and "beauty has no expiration date".

Boom, Miss Lopez for you.



Celebs inject jam in varying flavors according to her, every week at 5:05 p.m.

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A post shared by Jennifer Lopez (@jlo)

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A post shared by Jennifer Lopez (@jlo)


Jennifer Lopez (Photo: Screenshot, Instagram)

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