The Limited Times

Finance education: OECD, we need a lasting, coordinated approach

1/18/2021, 3:46:56 PM

"A national strategy for a lasting and coordinated approach to financial literacy". This is what the OECD writes in a recommendation on the subject addressed to all member countries. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 18 - "A national strategy for a lasting and coordinated approach to financial literacy". This is what the OECD writes in a recommendation on the subject addressed to all member countries. The document defines financial literacy as "the set of awareness, knowledge, skills, attitudes and behavior in financial matters necessary for making financial decisions that are valid for achieving individual financial well-being", and indicates the path and steps to follow. Countries will thus have to adopt an approach that recognizes the importance of financial literacy, possibly including through regulations, defines its scope and is consistent with other strategies that promote economic and social prosperity, including those for financial inclusion and the financial protection of consumers. It will then be necessary to provide for collaboration with the competent subjects and the appointment of a leader or an entity / coordination committee at national level (which in the case of Italy already exists with the Committee chaired by AnnaMaria Lusardi) and to define a roadmap for reaching of objectives that also includes monitoring and evaluation phases to determine the progress made. (HANDLE).