The Limited Times

First day of work in the home office: Three mistakes that will ruin your start in a new job

1/18/2021, 3:53:02 PM

During Corona times, many employees start their new job from the home office. We show which typical faux pas you should definitely avoid.

During Corona times, many employees start their new job from the home office.

We show which typical faux pas you should definitely avoid.

During the corona pandemic, many companies send their employees to the

home office

in order to minimize the risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2.

Anyone who changes their job now is therefore very likely to start from their desk at home.

So that the first day of work in your new job * does not end in a fiasco, you should definitely avoid the typical home office traps.

Mistake 1: being late

Especially on the first day of work:

be on time!

The thought of simply having to open your laptop and get started right away tempts you to wait until the last minute.

But at this very moment the technology often fails.

An empty battery or a lack of access are just not a good excuse to

be late for the first video call with the boss


You should therefore clarify in advance which channels and programs you are using to communicate and whether you have the relevant access data.

Then prepare your workspace at least half an hour before you start work and open all the necessary programs, e.g. for chats and video conferences.

Then nothing stands in the way of a punctual start!

Also read:

Home office: That's why you shouldn't close your laptop at the end of the day.

Mistake 2: In the baggy look in front of the laptop

In the home office, too, you should

always dress like you would in the office


After all, an online meeting with the boss and colleagues can be scheduled at any time.

The baggy look with a hoodie and sweatpants is therefore out of place!

If you are unsure which work clothes are appropriate, think back to your interview, if this still took place in the company: How were the colleagues on site dressed?

If you stick to this rule, no call can surprise you!

Also read:

Corona: Does the job search make sense at the moment?

That's what experts say

Mistake 3: Waiting for boss and colleagues to get in touch

The biggest mistake on the first day of work and in general in the home office is

communicating poorly

and waiting for the boss or colleagues to contact you.

“Tell me if you don't know something or if you have finished a task and have the capacity.

Do not wait for new instructions, "job coach Craig Relyea advises on the employee portal



If you behave proactively and

show commitment

on the first day

, you collect plus points with the boss.

Job coach Dr.

Bernd Slaghius.

“Even if every new job is very exhausting in the first few days and weeks, you should get actively involved early on,” advises the expert on his career blog.

“In video conferences with the team, for example,

suggest taking on tasks

that you think you can contribute to - perhaps together with another colleague.

Talk about your experiences on topics and

don't hold back with your opinion

. ”

(As) * is part of the nationwide Ippen central editorial network.

More on the topic:

Will the home office be compulsory?

Which hints speak for - and what against

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