The Limited Times

Indonesia: more and more dead in Sulawesi - floods in Borneo

1/18/2021, 4:29:30 PM

After the severe earthquake on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, the rescuers found more and more dead. Heavy rain hinders the rescue work - and causes flooding on a neighboring island.

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Rescuer with search dog in front of a mountain of rubble on the island of Sulawesi

Photo: Joshua Marunduh / AP

Three days after the earthquake on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, the country is hit by the next natural disaster.

In Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo, some areas are completely flooded after heavy monsoon rains.

At least 20,000 people had to leave their homes.

The administration of the province of Kalimantan Selatan has declared a state of emergency, reported the newspaper »Jakarta Post«.

Since January 3, there has been continued massive rainfall, which has caused several rivers to overflow.

President Joko Widodo sent members of civil protection, the army and the police to the region to help the residents.

28,000 people in emergency shelters after the earthquake in Sulawesi

According to the Reuters news agency, the rain is also making rescue work more difficult on Sulawesi.

A 6.2 magnitude earthquake caused severe damage there on Friday.

Among other things, two hospitals, a hotel and part of the local administration building in the island's capital Mamuju collapsed.

The civil protection agency reported 84 deaths in connection with the quake - significantly more than last time.

In Mamuju alone, 70 people were killed and 740 others were injured.

Almost 28,000 people are in emergency shelters, it said.

Indonesia lies on the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire.

In the southern part of the archipelago, the Indo-Australian plate pushes under the Eurasian plate, causing frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the region.

Icon: The mirror

fek / Reuters / dpa