The Limited Times

London: Baby Trump balloon is included in museum collection

1/18/2021, 6:58:44 PM

During Donald Trump's visit to London, protesters raised a balloon bearing the President's likeness. Now "Baby Trump" is included in the collection of a city history museum.

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Democratic protest document: Baby Trump balloon in London (archive image)

Photo: Matt Dunham / AP

The real Donald Trump is about to leave the White House, and a reminder of the US President is being moved to a London museum: an oversized baby balloon with the face of Trump is to be placed in the Museum of London.

This was announced by the management of the Museum of City History.

The balloon, which was used several times in anti-Trump demonstrations, had arrived in a suitcase and - like all objects - must first be stored in quarantine and then preserved, said director Sharon Ament of the PA news agency.

During a visit by Donald Trump to the UK, photos of the balloon floated prominently in London's Parliament Square during a demonstration.

The museum had been trying for some time to buy the seven-meter-tall object when it was inflated.

The director emphasized that it was apolitical as an institution.

But: »We take a lot with humor.

And we like to make fun of politicians.

This is - literally - a great example of this. ”However, it will be a major challenge to display the balloon in the museum's premises.

Trump in diapers - and with a cell phone

The balloon depicts the elected US President as a baby in diapers, clutching his cell phone tightly.

"We are relieved that the Trump baby can be handed over to history along with the man himself, but we have no illusion that this is the end of the story," the creators of the balloon told the PA news agency.

The balloon is intended to remind people of how London stood up against President Trump and encourage them to continue fighting against a "policy of hate".

Icon: The mirror

fek / dpa / AFP

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