The Limited Times

Michaël Youn: “We had 3 custody because of Morning Live!”

1/18/2021, 5:14:07 PM

The actor and his accomplices return this Tuesday, January 19 on M 6 (9:05 pm) for a second number of "Morning Night", variation as a bonus

A man, appearing out of nowhere screaming into a megaphone - "Morning Live, from 7 am to 9 am, the show that wakes your neighbors!"

- in front of flabbergasted passers-by, in the street, the metro, shops.

Those who were teenagers at the beginning of the 2000s inevitably remember giggles in front of the crazy sequences of Michaël Youn and his band, in this morning program of M 6. So we will take a little more.

After a first show, a big hit last March with 3.4 million viewers, the actor and his accomplices Benjamin Morgaine and Vincent Desagnat had carte blanche to shoot a second number of "Morning Night", broadcast on Tuesday January 19 at 9:05 p.m., on the same channel.

A big slice of fun

For two hours, in the form of a game show, two teams made up of personalities compete.

This time, it's Jamel, Jenifer, Isabelle Nanty, Jarry, Bigflo and Oli who follow the ordeals, crazy and absurd.

All play with pleasure.

Jamel Debbouze, Michaël Youn and Jarry / Laura Gilli  

The result ?

A big slice of fun, very effective and rhythmic, which is really good in this gloomy period.

Punctuated by several surprises, like a new song, we find the humor without limits and completely crossed out of the trio of Bratisla Boys and Fatal Bazooka.

And we review with pleasure some mythical archives of "Morning Live".

Highlights of these eighteen morning months, from 2000 to 2002, Michaël Youn has in spades.

“Between us, we did not tell each other what we had prepared and there was an effect of surprise live, he says.

Since we didn't have an audience, to be sure it was funny, we had to make our friends laugh.

It was a time in my life when I didn't play by the rules very much.

And I haven't changed much ”.

Bubble bath in a Neuilly fountain

Once, the three friends lock the technical team in an office.

“We did the show as a threesome, to show them that we could do it without them.

I was at the control room, I sent magnetos, Vincent framed.

And then, we had made up very, very poorly, ”laughs Michaël Youn.

The scenes of the "image boxes", with the megaphone, made an impression.

"I have more trouble than before to do it again, it costs me more", admits the comedian, who offers in the "Morning Night" a tasty sequence of apologies to those he may have annoyed there. twenty years.

Among these moments, there is for example the bad mood of Juliette Arnaud, his companion at the time, suddenly awakened.

The bubble bath in a fountain of Neuilly.

Or the embarrassment of sex shop customers surprised by the troublemaker.

"These scenes, I'm not super proud of them, because I use sexual misery," he admits.

"We wanted to free the tomatoes"

Several times the team ends up at the post.

"I received my mail at the police station", jokes the actor, who then turned in "the Beuze" or "the Eleven Commandments" and, more recently, carried out "Divorce Club".

“I remember one time, in particular, when it didn't go well.

We wanted to free the tomatoes.

I went to the supermarket, disguised as a super tomato, took a crate and spilled everything, without paying.

The guards chased us and started to smash the car in which we had taken refuge.

It is nevertheless we who found ourselves placed in police custody for disturbing public order.

In all, we had six or seven arrests and three custody ”.

At the end of eighteen months of emission, at an infernal rate, the trio is on the kneecaps and decides to stop.

The latest shows are a festival.

“We put all of our worst jokes.

The last one, I was disguised as a giant penis and we ended by diving into a pool of tomatoes, ”summarizes the host and producer.

“We were exhausted, but super proud.

We stopped when we were at the top.

If we had continued, we would have ended up becoming furniture ”.

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