The Limited Times

Museums reopen in the yellow areas, among the first the Bargello and the Mann

1/18/2021, 4:29:07 PM

Among the student visitors. 'Today we are reborn' (ANSA)

 The museums in the Italian yellow regions reopen.

Bargello in Florence and Mann in Naples were among the first to open its doors. 

Tina Siotto is the name of the first visitor who today in Naples visited the Mann,

National Archaeological Museum, which reopened after weeks closing due to the lockdown


"For me - he said - this is the second home. I am happy, just as I was sad on the day of closure. I come here when I can: since the current director, Giulierini, I have the 'Open Mann' card and I also come here to have a coffee, perhaps with some friends, sharing the new exhibitions. I am an art lover and when I was young, when there were no guides, I liked to accompany visitors among the works of the Museum. Today I return home " .

After you.

one work from the reopening, the ticket office has detached a dozen coupons.

Door open this morning at 8:45 am

also at the Bargello National Museum in Florence


The first to enter Enrico and Isabella, two young students of art history.

"The Bargello - Enrico commented - is the most beautiful museum in Florence, I love it also because I am a student of art history, for me it is very important that it has reopened".

The director Paola D'Agostino supervises the reopening.

"I am very happy that the first to enter were young people because they and the elderly are only those who have suffered the most from this pandemic - he said -. Even if no one had arrived, it was important for us to be there, also because we are there. Dama con mazzolino 'chosen by Stefano Boeri as a symbol of rebirth for the vaccination campaign ". 

From today

the gates of the Archaeological Park of Herculaneum


in line with the new Dpcm which provides for the reopening of the museums in the yellow zone on weekdays.

Access to the Park, guaranteed in compliance with all anti-contagion regulations, will be allowed from Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 17.00 (with last admission at 15.30).

The ticketing activities will be carried out exclusively online with the same rates adopted in 2020 following the international health emergency.

'' Finally we can welcome our public back in the presence '' says the director of the Archaeological Park, Francesco Sirano '' We are convinced that with our service the Unesco site of Herculaneum will contribute to the recovery and relaunch of our territory and cultural initiatives nationally and internationally.

In the closing months we have developed a working method that allows us to easily and quickly move from virtual to real, enhancing all the positive elements that emerge from the interconnection between these two operating modes ''.

The flow of tourists will be quoted for hourly slots of thirty minutes.

And from today also the National Railway Museum of Pietrarsa, on the border between Portici and Naples, returns to welcome visitors inside its large pavilions and botanical gardens.

Here it will be possible to admire the entire museum collection and enjoy a walk in the outdoor areas, in full compliance with current regulations.

The site will be open to the public from Monday to Friday from 10 to 18 The cost of the ticket will be 3 euros for everyone.