The Limited Times

Researchers discover new corona variant in the USA - as contagious as the Great Britain mutant

1/18/2021, 3:59:02 PM

Researchers from the USA have discovered two more corona variants. The mutations are said to be more contagious than the original Sars-CoV-2 virus.

Researchers from the USA have discovered two more corona variants.

The mutations are said to be more contagious than the original Sars-CoV-2 virus.

  • The

    Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus


  • In addition to

    Great Britain

    and South Africa,


    Corona *

    mutations were also


    in the



  • However, one researcher warns of panic.

Kassel - In addition to the increasing number of new infections, concern about the

corona variant B.1.17

is currently



This was first discovered in Great Britain and has several



As the British government announced, the new variant is up to 70 percent more contagious than the original pathogen.

A similarly contagious

mutation B.1.351 was also 


in South Africa


Two new variants are

now appearing in the



Researchers at Wexner Medical Center and Ohio State University made the discovery.

One of the variants carries a

corona mutation

that is identical to the British strain.

At least one person has been shown to have it.


Two new corona variants were discovered in the USA.

One of them has a mutation that is identical to the British strain.

(Symbol image)

© Eibner-Pressefoto / EXPA / Groder via

New corona mutation in the USA: variant spreads dominantly

The second development of the virus strain is said to have three


that were not previously seen in the original

pathogen Sars-CoV-2


The discovered

corona variant has been

spreading since the end of December 2020, especially in the 860,000-inhabitant city of Columbus (Ohio).

"This new

Columbus strain

has the same genetic backbone as previous cases that we examined, but these three mutations represent a significant development," explains study leader Dr.

Dan Jones, vice chairman of the division of molecular pathology, in a press release.

"We know this shift did not come from the UK or South African branches of the virus."


Covid-19 mutation B.1.1.7

from the UK could potentially be particularly contagious to children.

As with the British variant, the

corona mutations

in the Columbus strain

are also said to

make the virus more contagious than the original pathogen.

This could




to be transmitted from one person to another more quickly.

Name of the Corona variant

VOC-202012/01 (formerly B.1.1.7)

Caused disease


Discovered for the first time

November 2020 in the UK

"The big question is whether these mutations make vaccines and current therapeutic approaches less effective," said Peter Mohler, co-author of the study and chief scientist at Ohio State Wexner Medical Center.

However, there is currently no evidence that the new

corona mutations

from the USA

have any

effect on the

effectiveness of the vaccines


This is also reported by

Corona variant in the USA: researchers warn of panic

According to the researchers, the

Columbus variant COH.20G / 501Y suggests

that the

corona mutation could



independently of one another in several parts of the world in the past few months.

"It is important that we do not overreact to this new variant until we receive additional data," warns Mohler.

First, further investigations must be awaited.

Viruses are constantly mutating naturally.

The novel


is no exception.

As reports,



new mutations even more slowly compared to flu viruses.

However, "the changes in the last two months were more pronounced than in the first months of the pandemic," stressed Jones.

How many

Corona mutations

there are worldwide can currently hardly be estimated.

(Karolin Schaefer)

* and are part of the nationwide Ippen digital editorial network.

List of rubric lists: © Eibner-Pressefoto / EXPA / Groder via

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