The Limited Times

Saturn pissed off customers with its health tip: "I don't feel like letting the tech shop teach me"

1/18/2021, 4:31:50 PM

A technology provider that gives advice for a better life: With this, some customers of the electric giant Saturn feel offended - and are raging online.

A technology provider that gives advice for a better life: With this, some customers of the electric giant Saturn feel offended - and are raging online.

  • If you need utensils from the field of technology,

    Saturn has

    a wide range.

  • Digitally, the

    consumer electronics

    store is devoting itself to

    a broader spectrum - and providing health advice.

  • This

    does not cause enthusiasm for every follower




    Some users are downright angry.

  • With our brand new consumer newsletter you will always stay up to date with consumer information and product recalls.

Ingolstadt - Many companies use a wide range of social networks to keep their followers happy and strengthen brand loyalty.

In a recently published article by


, however, an advertising message causes displeasure among many users and angry reactions.

As part of a “health tip of the day”, the


store went public with a motto that has to do with the passion of still many people: smoking!

So the electronics giant appeals to its Facebook followers, as a resolution for the dawn of 2021 (why the year will be better), to free themselves from the health-damaging passion:

Saturn gives advice on health issues - “You call that advertising?

I like to smoke "

“Instead of pulling one through - how about pulling through the good intentions of 'stop smoking' ?!

Not easy?


But these apps can help you with that ... “, says


and, as part of the definitely well-intentioned advice, presents software programs that can help you achieve your goal.

In Austria, the company has completely disappeared from the scene.

A debate about



, in which some users proudly report how they managed to escape the truck.

But there are also people who feel personally attacked and - so one can speculate - belong to the class of smokers.

A selection:

“You are a technology market with increasingly poor service and no health advice!” Says a follower and possibly alludes to the delivery debacle surrounding the new

Sony PlayStation 5


A colleague gives the company his opinion even more drastically, he is not taken with the posting of the marketing department: “Do you call that advertising?

I like to smoke and don't feel like letting myself be taught by a technology shop! "

Saturn wants to give up smoking - "After all, you continue to promote the economy"

Of course, when it comes to


addiction, there are

also common arguments that justify the controversial “hobby”.

Another says: “Not smoking is not a solution either.

We all have to go into the box at some point, it makes no difference whether sooner or later. ”Remarkably, another participant recognizes that buying cigarettes benefits society:“ With all the taxes on tobacco, you continue to promote the economy ”, so his joking opinion.


can hardly be


that smoking is actually

harmful to health


If you want to get rid of nicotine consumption, you have often tried it a few times and failed.

In order to get rid of the truck permanently, experts recommend the following procedure.

In addition, the suspicion arises that smokers could be particularly

threatened by Corona


Can that be true?

Most people probably know that smoking is not really good for the lungs.

Less known, however, is the fact that there can be long-term consequences for eyesight.

A study clarifies.


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