The Limited Times

The Bidens, the tragedies and overcoming of the family that arrives at the White House

1/18/2021, 11:40:51 PM

Two unexpected deaths and the need for a purpose in life have marked Joe Biden, the next president of the United States

It has been almost 50 years - 48 to be exact on December 18 - since the first tragedy in the life of President-elect, Joe Biden.

On that fateful day, a few weeks after Biden was elected to the Senate in 1972 at just 29 years old, his wife, Neilia, and their little over one-year-old daughter, Naomi, died in a car accident when they went to buy a car. Christmas tree.

The little boys, Beau and Hunter, survived the collision with the tractor.

Under that misfortune, Joe Biden was sworn in to the Senate in the hab ...

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