The Limited Times

The Government assures that 4.7 million doses of the Russian vaccine will arrive before the end of the month

1/18/2021, 11:31:45 PM

It plans to receive 50 million doses before July, counting the three contracts that are closed: Sputnik V, Covax and AstraZeneca. With these doses, it seeks to vaccinate 85% of the population over 18 years of age this year.

01/18/2021 19:04

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 01/18/2021 8:19 PM

The Government released an official schedule on Monday in which it promises that

4.7 million doses of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine

will reach the country before the end of the month 


This is clear from a PPT (Power Point) that the Ministry of Health of the Nation released this Monday, in which it foresees the arrival of 50 million doses from different laboratories before July. 

According to Clarín, the 4,700,000 ampoules of the Russian vaccine that the Government assures that they will arrive before the end of the month will come from India or South Korea, and will come in different batches.

The Sputnik V vaccine delivery schedule that the Executive released began in December with the arrival of 300,000 doses and continues in January with 5,000,000 more (300,000 have already been delivered);

while in February another 14,700,000 are expected.

In total, they count

20,000,000 doses

of the Russian vaccine until July.

In addition to Sputnik V, the Government of Alberto Fernández plans to receive doses until July from

Covax and AstraZeneca.

While still in negotiation with

Pfizer, Janssen, Butantan / Sinovac Biotech, Sinopharm and Moderna.

With this schedule, it seeks to vaccinate at

least 25,000,000 people over

18 years of age

in 2021

(two doses per person).

This represents approximately 85% of this population.

The rest of the agreed vaccines

From Covax, a total of 9,000,000 doses are expected to arrive until July 2021 (the schedule does not specify in what month or months they will arrive).

Finally, with


, the arrival of doses will be as follows: March, 1,191,000;

April, 4,635,500;

May, 4,635,500;

June 3,451,000 and finally 8,518,000 in July.

In total there will be 22,431,000.

In this way, if we add the doses of Sputnik, Covax and AstraZeneca

, 51,431,000 vaccines will be received until July.

14,492,299 are the people to be vaccinated in the prioritized groups, of which 821,394 are

health workers;

7,414,866 aged

60 or over;

493,727 from the

Armed Forces and Security Forces;

4,063,968 are

between 18 and 59 years of age with comorbidities;

1,417,310 are

education personnel (primary, secondary and tertiary)

and 266,034 represent the group of "Others" (for example,

essential personnel of the State





For this campaign, the government reported that it will allocate 10,000 volunteers through the ACTIVAR Program and

 $ 3,500 million

for the purchase of equipment, logistics, human resources and other supplies.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health began to distribute the 300,000 units of the second dose of the Sputnik V vaccine that arrived from Moscow on Saturday, so that between "tonight and tomorrow" they will be available to the provinces to continue with the campaign of federal vaccination.

These new 300,000 doses of the Russian vaccine that arrived at the weekend are part of the

5,000,000 scheduled for January

of Sputnik V, according to the official



As of this Monday, according to the Télam agency, Argentina has been vaccinated with the first dose of the vaccine developed by the Russian Gamaleya Research Center,

more than 200 thousand people,

most of them health workers according to the Strategic Plan for Vaccination against the Covid-19.

Look also

Anmat already has the technical reports from Russia on the Sputnik V vaccine in over 60 years

For The Wall Street Journal, Argentina is "a testing ground" for the Sputnik V vaccine