The Limited Times

VIDEO. Vaccination against Covid-19: first injections for those over 75

1/18/2021, 8:04:51 PM

Since Monday, people over 75 and those with "high risk" pathologies can be vaccinated. In Paris,

You had to have managed to make an appointment to be vaccinated.

This Monday marked the expansion of vaccination against Covid-19 to all people over 75 years old.

Until now reserved for certain priority groups including nursing home residents or caregivers, vaccination is now available to over 75s who do not live in retirement homes (5 million people).

In addition, there are nearly 800,000 people with “high risk” pathologies (chronic renal failure, cancer under treatment, etc.).

If most of the new vaccines expressed their relief, the criticisms remain numerous. The main complaint? The number of doses, far too low according to some elected officials. Minister Olivier Véran called for "patience". He said that "more than a million vaccinations will be carried out" by the end of January, between 2.4 and 4 million by the end of February.

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