The Limited Times

Hollywood actor union threatens to kick Trump out

1/19/2021, 9:56:01 PM

The union of American actors announced on Tuesday that it had launched a disciplinary procedure against Donald Trump which could lead to the expulsion of the outgoing president, for a long time host of a famous reality TV show, "The Apprentice". The SAG-AFTRA union "voted overwhelmingly" for the opening of proceedings on the violation of the Constitution by Donald Trump, in connection with the inv

The union of American actors announced on Tuesday that it had launched a disciplinary procedure against Donald Trump which could lead to the expulsion of the outgoing president, for a long time host of a famous reality TV show, "The Apprentice".

The SAG-AFTRA union

"voted overwhelmingly"

for the opening of proceedings on the violation of the Constitution by Donald Trump, in connection with the invasion of the Capitol by supporters of the conservative billionaire on January 6 in Washington .

Read also: The last hours of Donald Trump in power

The union's disciplinary committee will examine the involvement in these events of Donald Trump, who is also the subject in Congress of a second impeachment procedure for

"incitement to insurrection"


"Donald Trump attacked the values ​​that this union holds for the most sacred - democracy, truth, respect for our fellow citizens of all races and religions, and the sacrosanct freedom of the press,"

said in a statement the President of SAG-AFTRA, Gabrielle Carteris.

The disciplinary committee will also look into the

"dangerous campaign of disinformation aimed at discrediting, and ultimately threatening the safety of journalists"

, orchestrated according to the union by the outgoing president.

Among the 160,000 members of SAG-AFTRA are actors but also a large number of audiovisual media professionals.

"There is a direct link between this deliberate disregard for the truth and the attacks perpetrated by his supporters against journalists,"

Gabrielle Carteris said.

“As a union, our most important role is the protection of our members,”

said David White, executive director of the organization.

If found guilty, Donald Trump faces a fine, suspension or even expulsion from SAG-AFTRA, which generally provides its members with retirement benefits as well as certain benefits, such as access to certain films before their release.

According to the specialized media Deadline, Donald Trump joined the ranks of SAG-AFTRA in 1989. Besides his performances in "The Aprentice" from 2004, Donald Trump is best known on the screen for a scene in "Mum, I missed the plane again! ”

(1992) but also made appearances in the film "Zoolander" and, as himself, in television series like "The Prince of Bel-Air" and "Sex and the City".