The Limited Times

Algeria recalls its demands on the memorial issue

1/20/2021, 8:40:38 PM

For more and more Algerians, France must bet on "recognition" and no longer "repentance". “ France can give us back the sword of Emir Abdelkader or even his djellaba, this type of spectacular measure is only fuel for the media. If the two countries want an exceptional relationship - a wish of Jacques Chirac long before Emmanuel Macron - then we have to review our mutual approach , ” said Amazit Boukhalfa, an Algerian journalist specializing in historical issues, to whom Le Figaro submi

France can give us back the sword of Emir Abdelkader or even his djellaba, this type of spectacular measure is only fuel for the media.

If the two countries want an exceptional relationship - a wish of Jacques Chirac long before Emmanuel Macron - then we have to review our mutual approach


said Amazit Boukhalfa, an Algerian journalist specializing in historical issues, to whom

Le Figaro

submitted the recommendations of the report.

Read also:

Algerian War: a biased report on the facts, cautious about the symbols

As such, the setting up of a “Memories and Truth” commission responsible for promoting joint initiatives between France and Algeria on memorial issues could be a good start,

“on condition that the war is over. independence of the bilateral France-Algeria relationship to place it in the great history of the world, that of a colonizing power and a colonized country, in the context of the time ”

, explains the journalist.

A senior state executive admits:

"Stora's report is daring, because it tries to strike a balance

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