The Limited Times

After corona disease: Researchers report astonishing consequences of immunity - and appeal to the population

1/21/2021, 10:04:45 PM

The knowledge about Corona is increasing day by day. Researchers from England have now discovered a surprising consequence of virus immunity in a study.

The knowledge about Corona is increasing day by day.

Researchers from England have now discovered a surprising consequence of virus immunity in a study.

  • Anyone who



    corona infection

    is then


    to the virus for a while


  • But what exactly does this mean for those


    and their fellow human beings?

  • A new

    study from England

    now provides

    new information on this


London - The

corona pandemic *

has been going on for

almost a year


Some questions about the virus remain unanswered.



is certain, however: Anyone who

has survived


Corona *



immune for

a while afterwards


But what exactly does this mean for those affected and their fellow human beings?

Researchers from Great Britain

have now found interesting and at the same time alarming answers.

Corona lockdown: researchers publish study - with alarming findings

Above all, one point that has so far been less of a focus stands out from the

new study by

the scientists: According to this, there are people who are immune after a corona * infection - but for this very reason can become a


to their fellow human beings.

This is reported by the British public health authority,

Public Health England.


She published the study.

Specifically, this means:

Corona *


can therefore be


to Sars-CoV-2

for up to

five months


During this time, however, it is still possible that they will continue to carry the virus.

Even if there are


corona symptoms

, these people can continue to be infectious - and unconsciously infect other people.

According to a new corona study: Researchers appeal to the population

The researchers'

urgent appeal

: Even those who are immune should not

do without a

face mask

or the rules of distance.

"Even if you think you have already had the disease and are protected, (...) there is still a risk that you could become infected and (the virus) transmitted to others," writes study director Professor Susan Hopkins in a press release from the PHE .

"Now more than ever, it is important that we all stay at home to protect our health systems and save lives."

Since June 2020, Corona * tests from a total of 20,787 health care workers across the UK have been evaluated for the study.

6,614 of these tested positive for

corona antibodies

, including 44 potential new infections.

Researchers at the Technical University of Vienna, on the other hand, have achieved a small sensation: Thanks to them, there is now the first photo of the coronavirus *.

In the corona lockdown, the demand for FFP2 masks is booming.

In many places the mouthguard is already sold out.

A virologist is now proposing an alternative to the FFP2 masks *.


List of rubric lists: © Michael Reichel / dpa

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