The Limited Times

Martina Rossi: Cassation annuls acquittals, bis appeal

1/21/2021, 8:25:28 PM

Alessandro Albertoni and Luca Vanneschi, the two Arezzo from Castel Fibocchi are back on trial on appeal for the death of Martina Rossi, the twenty-year-old Genoese student who died falling from the balcony of a hotel in Palma di Majorca on August 3, 2011. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - AREZZO, 21 JAN - Alessandro Albertoni and LucaVanneschi, the two Arezzo from Castel Fibocchi return to sub-trial on appeal for the death of Martina Rossi, a twenty-year-old Genoese last female student who died falling from the balcony of a hotel in Palma de Majorca on 3 August 2011. This was decided by the Cassation which annulled the acquittals of the two defendants issued by the Court of Appeal of Florence which must now review the case. In the first instance, the two young men were sentenced to six years in prison for attempted sexual violence and death as a result of another crime. (HANDLE).