The Limited Times

26.5% of companies believe that English is not essential

1/22/2021, 8:22:34 AM

This figure has risen 10 points compared to the previous year, according to an EAE study The engineering remain the degrees most sought after by companies, according to the V Barometer DCH on the management of talent in Spain and Latin America , presented Thursday by EAE Business School. Thus, it accumulates 23.78 % of the demand that occurred in 2020, 3.78 percentage points more than last year. In second place, Computer Technology also repeats (21.33%), with an increase of 5.33 perce



remain the degrees most sought after

by companies, according to


V Barometer DCH on the management of talent in Spain and Latin America

, presented Thursday by EAE Business School.

Thus, it accumulates 23.78

% of the demand that occurred in 2020,

3.78 percentage points more than last year.

In second place, Computer Technology also repeats (21.33%), with an increase of 5.33 percentage points compared to 2019. Two data that illustrate the rise of the technological branch in recent years and the extraordinary boost it has received during pandemic.

On the other hand, the career of Business Administration and Management (ADE) stands out, which, although it returns to the podium with 17.13%, has suffered a decrease of 2.87 points compared to the previous year.

A fall in line with the trend that most careers have experienced: the demand for all of them has fallen in favor of the technological branch.

The other exception is social graduates, which rose from 1% to 1.75%, and education, which did not appear in the previous edition of the report and in 2020 captured 0.70% of the demand.


  • Teleworking blurs the boundaries to search for talent

  • Management profiles suffer to a lesser extent the Covid-19 crisis

Consequently, the areas with the highest increase in personnel have been technology (24.84%) and operations and logistics (23.8%), which have risen 7.84 and 5.08 points respectively.

On the other hand, the greatest decrease was experienced by the areas of marketing (-4.87), finance (-3.62) and

human resources


Despite the fact that the work in this last area, according to the report's manager and professor at EAE Business School, Pilar Llácer, "has been more important than ever."

When human resource experts talk about future technology skills, such as programming, they often speak of them as “the new English”;

It contrasts, however, the sharp decline in the importance given to this language in the latest edition of the barometer.

Thus, 26.52% of human resources professionals assure that English is not essential, more than 10 points above the 15.60% indicated the previous year.

Despite this, the percentage of companies that require at least a C1 level of English has also grown, which has gone from 26.1% in 2019 to 31.82% in 2020. In contrast, the proportion of human resources managers who conform to a basic (3.03%) or intermediate level (38.63%).

Since last year, the study also includes the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in companies.

In this case, gender equality is the most established with 21.51%, similar to the previous year, followed by health and well-being (15.12%).

It is striking, however, that despite the context of the pandemic, this goal fell 2.88 points compared to the previous year.

This aspect has become more relevant during the Covid-19, but there is still a long way to go from companies, since the little sense of health and well-being in the organization has been the main negative effect of the pandemic in the management of people for 18.64% of those surveyed.


In recent times, experts have emphasized the rise of more collaborative work models and have insisted that, despite the distance, these should be maintained during teleworking.

This has not happened in the case of the commanders, where

the hierarchies

that have been trying to flatten for years

have reappeared slightly


Although collaborative leadership is still the most common (40.46%), it has experienced a decrease of 1.54 points compared to the previous edition.

For its part, the report detects an increase of 4.19 points in the hierarchical model, which stands at 25.19%.

Along these lines, and although still a very minority, the authoritarian style has also grown, going from 1% to 1.53%.

Leadership style was the reason for 11.94% of job changes in 2020, compared to 13.16% the previous year.

However, its relevance gains weight when considering that a company is attractive to work for: this is pointed out by 9.87% of those surveyed, while this percentage did not reach 8% in 2019.