The Limited Times

Ctera teachers will not go to schools at the beginning of face-to-face classes in the City of Buenos Aires

1/22/2021, 4:41:03 PM

It was confirmed by the general secretary of the union, Angélica Graciano. They will do 'retention of service'.

01/22/2021 1:25 PM

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 01/22/2021 1:30 PM

The announcement of the government of the City of Buenos Aires to resume face-to-face classes in a staggered manner as of February 17, generated strong resistance in the teaching unions.

And this Friday, from UTE-Ctera they confirmed that they will not attend schools at the restart of the school year.

"We are not going to go to the workplace," warned the General Secretary of the Union of Education Workers (UTE), Angélica Graciano, who confirmed that teachers will make a

"retention of services"

and asserted: 

The leader warned that "the advertisements show that they are unaware of how the schools work and have no idea what it is like to teach a class or be with 30 students."

The health situation is out of control


Keeping a date at any cost denotes that they do not have an interest in Public Education, ”Graciano remarked in dialogue with

El Uncover Radio


He also stressed that from the City “they want to make a bubble” and explained: “

A secondary teacher has five schools


And he can't ride a bike from school to school.

They are words that sound great but fall into the void


They are not rooted in the reality of how to organize an educational establishment ”.

“Since June of last year, they started an opening trend with market movements in the media,” Graciano warned.

In addition, he affirmed that "they did not do a single work in the summer" and explained that the union asked

"to recondition the bathrooms and put a person to sanitize


Ctera is opposed to face-to-face classes.

"They are going to complain about the conditions of the workplaces," he said.

He also stressed that “

the conflict is not with a union.

It is with the entire educational community

”and that“ parents are also organized ”.

Graciano also said that "there is a very large organization of

families that are going to present themselves to the Justice

so that they are not forced to send the children to school."

The trade unionist also 

questioned the national government

: “We were surprised by their position.

We ask that education be national.

In the joint meetings, not only wages are discussed, but also working conditions and the organization of the educational system.

This did not happen, it

was decentralized


“We are waiting for the vaccine, we want a registration to be opened and it did not happen.

If there is a vaccination plan as a gradualization is made and the return to the classrooms is resumed, ”said the union leader.

In addition, he explained that they will

present a risk map with a "building by


building survey

of the conditions to claim in ART and in the superintendency and notify the Ministry of Labor, Health and Education."

In the event that the measure of the Buenos Aires government to begin face-to-face classes on February 17 is maintained,

the unions will carry out a "retention of services

that consists in not attending the workplace because the conditions required by national agreements are not guaranteed."

For his part, the assistant secretary of Ademys, Jorge Adaro, announced that they will hold assemblies on February 8, the date on which the recess ends and the teachers return to the schools, to evaluate the announcement of the Buenos Aires Government.

And he remarked: "We are going to analyze what are the proposals made by the Government and as a result of the exchange decide what we are going to do, if we return as it is proposed, if we take forceful measures, or measures that confront this government policy."

Alejandra Bonato, from UTE, said in dialogue with C5N: "It is not realistic to try to carry this out in these contagious conditions. We are with a number of infections equal to that of June last year, that not only were the schools closed, it was closed everything. That is what is not serious, what is the trouble ".

It should be noted that of the 60,000 state teachers in the City, 35,000 are not affiliated with any union, 10,000 are from CTERA (the largest union) and the remaining 15,000 are divided among 16 other unions.

The total of teaching unions in the City are 17.


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"There must be presence in all schools," said Nicolás Trotta

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