The Limited Times

Latest news of the coronavirus, live | Madrid advances the closing of shops and hotels at 9:00 p.m.

1/22/2021, 6:04:34 PM

The curfew is set from 22.00 to 6.00 and meetings of more than four people who do not live together are prohibited from Monday 25 | Health notifies 42,885 new infections and 400 deaths in the last 24 hours | Portugal exceeds 600,000 cases and records a new maximum of deaths

Note to readers: EL PAÍS openly offers essential information on the coronavirus during the crisis.

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The Community of Madrid has announced new restrictions to stop the spread of the virus. The closing of shops and hospitality is brought forward at 9:00 p.m. and meetings of more than four people who do not live together are prohibited, as well as meetings in homes with people outside of them. In addition, the curfew is set between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. The measures will begin to apply this Monday, January 25. Health has added 42,885 new infections this Friday and 400 deaths in the last 24 hours. The cumulative incidence continues to climb and exceeds 828 positives per 100,000 inhabitants. In total, 2,499,560 people have been infected in Spain and 55,441 have died since the start of the pandemic. In Europe, Portugal has exceeded 600,000 cases (609,136) this Friday and has registered a new maximum of deaths with 234 (9,920 in total). In addition, the Portuguese Prime Minister, António Costa, has announced that air communication with the United Kingdom is suspended as of Saturday to stop the spread of the new British variant of the coronavirus.