The Limited Times

Rosalía and Billie Eilish: the story and listening to 'Lo vas a forget', their song for 'Euphoria'

1/22/2021, 7:10:34 PM

Two years have taken the two artists to bring forward a song, sung in Spanish and English, which will sound in the new season of the series

Billie Eilish and Rosalía, in the photo that the Catalan shared in March 2019 on their networks to announce that they were recording together.

He is

no more

than generation Z rowing together: the singers Rosalía (Barcelona, ​​27 years old) and Billie Eilish (California, 19 years old), two charismatic references of new pop, and


(HBO), the series that best and most crudely It has staged the anxieties of today's teens.

The singers interpret

Lo vas a silencio,

the star song of the new season of fiction, an ethereal theme, with hardly any instrumentation, sinuous, which has the novelty of hearing Billie Eilish singing in Spanish.

It's been two years for a few minutes of song, because things between young pop stars take time.

The story of

What You Will Forget

is that of a story full of "I like you" and highly scrupulous, surely two of the characteristics that define the times in which we live.

Two years ago, in February 2019, Billie Eilish gave an interview to Annie Mac, Irish DJ and presenter of BBC 1 Radio.

Eilish was about to release her first album,

When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?

(When we fell asleep, where do we go?), But he already had the world in his pocket with the publication of several songs where both by image and by speech he connected with youthful afflictions.

At one point in the talk, Mac asks Eilish (only 17 at the time) about the evolution of her voice.

The singer notes (surprise) that she has recently been in a recording studio with Rosalía, and adds: "She has helped me to get notes that I had never reached before."

Next, Mac played Rosalía




A glance at the artists' social media accounts confirmed that they had been exchanging likes for some time.

We already have the first meeting between the singers, which arises from a mutual admiration and the international projection of Rosalía, which at that time was beginning to take off, since in November 2018

El mal querida,

her second album (and last ).

  • Rosalía's planetary consecration

In March 2019, a month after that interview on the BBC and coinciding with the performance of the Californian at the Sant Jordi Club in Barcelona, ​​Rosalía published an image of her with Billie Eilish on her social networks.

The text mixed English with Spanish: “Can't wait to finish our song.

Sharing with you in the studio or watching you perform inspires me soo much.

Love you B ".

There was the confirmation that they had recorded together: "I can't wait to finish our song."

The plan followed.

In an environment where the visual does not stop providing readings, the shared photo, a Polaroid, also emits its own.

The Californian, sprawled out on the couch, with a hungover



, two-tone hair, her leg propped up on a chair, and all dressed in black;

the Barcelona woman, erect, eyes wide open, in a



and miniskirt, all in white.

The darkness and the light, the anguish and the racial.

An image that defines the two artists.


By mid-2019 Rosalía's internalization had skyrocketed.

She was a friend of Drake, the Kardashians recommended her songs to her millions of followers, they caught her for drinks with Dua Lipa, she left an affectionate perched on her Instagram with Hunter Schafer, one of the protagonists of


... and she had a song without ending Billie Eilish.

In this, the scrupulous times arrived.

The pandemic caught Rosalía in the United States, with her representative, and she decided to stay there.

He worked on the song from home, videoconferencing with Eilish.

  • 'Euphoria', the amazing journey of being young and being lost

In April 2020, Rosalía can be seen in Spain in an image projected from her laptop, giving interviews.

It is part of the strategy: it tries to convey a close image, knowing that the monster of success also carries a bag full of detractors behind him.

“During these weeks I have been trying to finish my collaboration with Billie Eilish.

It is almost finished.

I just need Billie to send me the voices and ideas she wants to add ”.

The Californian complied and you can already hear the result.

You are going to forget it

is a song with a subdued atmosphere, with little instrumental participation, just a mantle of keyboards and electronic sounds to create atmosphere.

70% of the piece is interpreted in Spanish.

"Tell me if you miss me still", Rosalía starts, with a voice treated with



"Tell me if you don't forgive me yet," Eilish continues, also in Spanish.

This time Rosalía does not exploit her flamenco style.

Despite being in Castilian, it is a song more Eilish than Rosalía.

You are going to forget it

is part of a very established trend in recent times: collaborative songs. Of the ten most sold in Spain, only three have a soloist. The others are communal: Bad Bunny and




Myke Towers and Juhn


Bad Bunny and Rosalía

(Last night)

... In the United States, the same. It is not something new: it began mainly with the commercial expansion of


in the late eighties. In recent times, commercial pop has played this trick to give its music a street touch: a moody rapper injects authenticity into artists, sometimes with a soft profile. There are collaborations that are established by mutual admiration between those involved and others with purely commercial overtones. There are even rappers who have fees based on the verses they sing. The pandemic, with its confinements, and the advancement of technology, have accentuated this procedure of recording each one in their home, thousands of kilometers away, a formula as cold as it is practical.