The Limited Times

Neumünster: car drove in people - another woman died after an accident

1/22/2021, 7:13:34 PM

A driver saw a group of pedestrians in Neumünster. Two days after the collision, the third victim is also dead, the 27-year-old died in the hospital. The driver did not have a driver's license.

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Grief at the scene of the collision: Investigation of negligent homicide


Christian Charisius / dpa

Two days ago, a driver without a license hit a group of three pedestrians with his car.

After two of the group died at the scene of the accident, the third victim of the accident drive of the 24-year-old in Neumünster in Schleswig-Holstein is now also dead.

The 27-year-old woman died in the hospital, the police said.

Immediately after the clash, a 34-year-old man and his 30-year-old partner died on Wednesday evening.

Both were cops.

The driver's blood is tested for drugs and alcohol

The young man had previously come off the road in a slight curve at the entrance to the village.

He slipped into the strollers on the sidewalk.

According to initial police investigations, he was driving too fast on a wet road.

His car knocked down a tree, a traffic sign and concrete bollards and only stopped at a bend, destroyed.

The young man, who was hospitalized in shock, is now being investigated on suspicion of negligent homicide.

A blood sample was taken from him, which is checked for alcohol and drugs.

A police spokesman said that the results could not yet be expected.

Schleswig-Holstein's Interior Minister Sabine Sütterlin Waack was shocked by the accident.

"It really stunned me how these two people, who still had their future ahead of them, were torn from their lives from one second to the other," said the CDU politician.

"I can only wish the relatives a lot of strength to get through this terrible tragedy."

At the scene of the collision, flowers and candles are a reminder of the accident.

Icon: The mirror

apr / dpa