The Limited Times

A Canadian official calls for economic sanctions on the United States

1/23/2021, 6:34:52 PM

Ottawa-SANA, Prime Minister of the Canadian Province of Alberta Jason Kenny has called on the Canadian federal government to impose sanctions


The Prime Minister of the Canadian province of Alberta, Jason Kenny, called on the Canadian federal government to impose economic sanctions against the United States in response to US President Joe Biden's decision to cancel the oil pipeline project linking the two countries.

We are deeply concerned that one of Biden's first actions was to revoke the presidential permit to cross the border for the pipeline, "Canadian media quoted Kenny as saying. It is an insult directed at the United States' most important ally and trading partner.

And Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has expressed his disappointment and frustration with Biden's decision.

The Canadian group "TC Energy" project aims to transport more than 800 thousand barrels of Canadian oil per day through a line of about 2,000 km between oil fields in the Canadian province of Alberta and refineries in the Gulf of Mexico in the southern United States.

Environmentalists are criticizing the construction of the pipeline for its impact on greenhouse gas emissions.