The Limited Times

Between the National Assembly and the Medef, demonstration in Paris against redundancies

1/23/2021, 3:37:34 PM

1000 to 2000 people demonstrate this Saturday for "the ban on layoffs". Between 1,000 and 2,000 people, according to an AFP journalist, marched in Paris on Saturday to demand " the ban on layoffs ", an initiative of the CGT of the tour operator TUI joined by other unions and supported by leftist policies , including LFI deputies. Read also: Claiming the suspension of the social plan, the CSE of the tour operator TUI was dismissed in summary proceedings " 66 million

Between 1,000 and 2,000 people, according to an AFP journalist, marched in Paris on Saturday to demand "

the ban on layoffs

", an initiative of the CGT of the tour operator TUI joined by other unions and supported by leftist policies , including LFI deputies.

Read also: Claiming the suspension of the social plan, the CSE of the tour operator TUI was dismissed in summary proceedings


66 million anti-dismissal prosecutors

", could one read on a sign in this procession which left shortly after 2 pm from the National Assembly, in the direction of the Medef headquarters, in the 7th arrondissement.


The dismissed employees invite themselves in the beautiful districts

", tweeted the CGT Tui France, while resounding the slogan "

of money, there is some in the coffers of the employers


While TUI, the world number one in tourism, plans to cut up to 601 out of 900 jobs in its French branch, the company's CGT elected officials launched this call to demonstrate.

Yellow vests and Mélenchon

Dozens of CGT sections but also SUD / Solidaires of branches or companies affected by social plans such as Sanofi, Cargill, SKF or General Electric have joined the initiative.

A few dozen "

yellow vests

" and several elected leftists participated in the demonstration, including the deputies of rebellious France Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Clémentine Autain and Adrien Quatennens.

Speaking to the crowd about the economic and social consequences of the Covid-19 crisis, the president of the LFI group in the National Assembly noted that "

many people believed that in the common misfortune, everyone would take their part


Read also: Tourism: Airbnb and Booking laugh, TUI and Accor cry

But "

while the rich got richer

", "

we marched on 80 layoff plans per month, a million people became poor

" and "

hundreds of thousands

" of French people no longer have access to water, electricity or even food, enumerated Mr. Mélenchon.

He reiterated his wish that a "

state of social emergency


be declared

, along with a "

ban on dismissals throughout the pandemic period
