The Limited Times

Covid Monitoring ISS vaccines second in EU out of control epidemic tracking

1/23/2021, 12:55:28 PM

After five weeks of uninterrupted growth, the transmissibility index drops. The Minister of Health: 'The challenge is still tough, intensify the vaccination campaign'. Lombardy returns to orange and Fontana reopens middle school from Monday. The Press Conference of the Control Room with the Iss-Health Monitoring: 'The epidemic is out of control because tracing is possible' (ANSA)

"This week, some regions have low risk, others moderate but there are still high risk regions, so the overall assessment tells us we need to pay attention to the situation.

So the message is that there is a slight decrease in the incidence in the country. but which is far from allowing the tracing of cases to be resumed, so the epidemic is out of control because tracing is not yet possible ".

This was stated by the director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health

Gianni Rezza

, at the press conference at the ministry on the data of the weekly monitoring on the progress of the epidemic. 

"The epidemic remains in a delicate phase and we must not relax measures:

when we loosen them the virus starts running again, it's a stop and go.

So it is better to keep the measures to avoid too high circulation.

We must be very quick in identifying variants and take measures to restrict mobility in the places where this happens, so we must keep our guard very high. "This was stated by the director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health Gianni Rezza, at the press conference at the ministry on weekly monitoring data on the progress of the epidemic.

"After the peak we are at about 20-25 thousand doses of vaccine administered per day and this is due to supply cuts.

Ema's opinion on the AstraZeneca vaccine is expected on January 29, which communicated a reduction in production capacity

and this it will require a reshaping of the vaccination campaign


This was stated by the president of the Higher Health Council Franco Locatelli at the press conference at the ministry of health.

"We can say that

at the end of January Italy should have about 2.5 million doses available

that are needed for both first immunizations and boosters".


To date, there is no evidence that the available vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, do not offer coverage against the variants of the virus.

So the message right now is absolutely reassuring."

The president of Css Franco Locatelli said so.


To date, a little more than 70% of the vaccine doses delivered have been administered

, this is because a rate must be maintained to guarantee boosters.

We remain at the top of the group of countries that have administered more vaccines in Europe and we are currently second after Germany.

and this in spite of the reduction in the number of doses observed this week, -29%, and also in spite of the further reduction announced by Pfizer also for next week and quantifiable in the order of 20% ".

This was stated by the President of the Higher Health Council Franco Locatelli at the press conference at the Ministry of Health. 

After five weeks of uninterrupted growth, the transmissibility index Rt in Italy


to 0.97,

and admissions to intensive care units and ordinary wards also drop.

But it is too early to think of an actual turnaround of the epidemic curve from Covid-19: there are still too many deaths and cases - 472 victims in the last 24 hours, with 13,633 new infections - and 12 regions still remain above the critical threshold of 30% occupancy of the Revives.

The picture that emerges from the latest weekly monitoring by the Higher Institute of Health and Ministry of Health continues to be a worrying picture, albeit with some initial signs of improvement (data relating to the week 11/1 / 2021-17 / 1 / 2021, updated on 1/20/2021) on the progress of the SarsCov2 epidemic in the country.

Currently there are ten regions with Rt above 1. Molise and Sicily lead the Rt ranking with 1.38 and 1.27 respectively.

This is the picture of the Rt punctual region by region contained in the draft of the 36 / o weekly monitoring Iss-Ministry of Health with data as of 20 January 2021 relating to the week 11/1 / 2021-17 / 1/2021.



Abruzzo 1.05

Basilicata 1.12

Calabria 1.02

Campania 0.76

E-R 0.97

FVG 0.88

Lazio 0.94

Liguria 0.99

Lombardy 0.82

Marche 0.98

Molise 1.38

Piedmont 1.04

PA Bolzano 1.03

PA Trento 0.9

Puglia 1.08

Sardinia 0.95

Sicily 1.27

Tuscany 0.98

Umbria 1.05

Valle d'Aosta 1.12

Veneto 0.81