The Limited Times

The Saudi aggression launched four raids on the Yemeni Marib

1/23/2021, 6:04:29 PM

Sana'a-SANA The Saudi aggression's air forces continued to target Yemeni homes and launched four raids on the Mahliya district of the governor

Sana'a - Sana

The Saudi aggression continued to target Yemeni homes and launched four raids on the Mahliya district in the Yemeni governorate of Ma'rib.

A Yemeni source explained to the Yemeni News Agency Saba that the aggression raids targeted separate areas of the Mahliya district, causing damage to the property and farms of Yemeni citizens.

The Saudi regime has continued its aggression against the Yemeni people since March 2015, leaving tens of thousands of victims and massive damage to the country's infrastructure.

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