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USA back in the Paris climate agreement: US Senator rumbles with Trump narrative on Twitter - and embarrasses himself

1/23/2021, 10:01:46 PM

The US is rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement. The Republican Senator Ted Cruz reaps ridicule and malice after this decision because of a tweet.

The US is rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement.

The Republican Senator Ted Cruz reaps ridicule and malice after this decision because of a tweet.

Washington DC - Even before his


on Wednesday, the new

US President Joe Biden

announced that he would like to get straight to work.

In a country like no other under the

Corona crisis

suffers and whose society is as torn as seldom in history, the 78-year-old does not want to lose any time.

Biden announced on his first day in office that the


would rejoin

both the

World Health Organization

(WHO) and the

Paris Climate Agreement


USA rejoin Paris climate agreement - US Senator embarrasses himself with tweet


United States

turned its back on

both alliances

under the last administration because

Donald Trump

wanted to focus primarily on American problems.

Joe Biden

is now reversing these decisions and sending an important signal, especially in terms of climate protection.



, which has the second highest greenhouse gas emissions after China, is once again committed to the

Paris Agreement


Ted Cruz criticizes Biden and is ridiculed - is "more interested in the views of the citizens of Paris"

A decision that was probably not well received by all Americans.

Thus, the continued

US Senator Ted Cruz

on Thursday a


from where he


for the return to

Paris climate treaty


The 50-year-old, who


in the


for the state of Texas

, wrote on the platform: “With the re-entry into the

Paris Climate Agreement


Biden is


that he is more interested in the views of the citizens of Paris than in the jobs of the citizens of Paris Pittsburgh. "

By rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, President Biden indicates he's more interested in the views of the citizens of Paris than in the jobs of the citizens of Pittsburgh.

This agreement will do little to affect the climate and will harm the livelihoods of Americans.

- Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) January 20, 2021

The accusation fits into the well-known narrative of the







are accused of worrying about supposedly secondary problems in the world and thereby neglecting the problems of the Americans.




attracted attention for another reason.



phrased his statement as if the

Paris Climate Agreement were

only intended for the citizens of Paris and would only meet their wishes.

Doesn't the 50-year-old know that the international agreement got its name from the place where it was signed?

Ted Cruz under attack after tweet - AOC also verbally kicks in

The Democratic MP

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is also

amazed at this alleged misstep and asks


on Twitter: “Nice tweet Senator Cruz!

Do you also think that the Geneva Conventions affect the views of the citizens of Geneva? ”The Geneva Conventions established humanitarian rights in the event of armed conflict and war.


the 50-year-old earned ridicule and bewilderment about his statements

from large parts of the



Nice tweet Sen. Cruz!

Quick question: do you also believe the Geneva Convention was about the views of the citizens of Geneva?

Asking for everyone who believes US Senators should be competent and not undermine our elections to incite insurrection against the United States

- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 21, 2021

Ted Cruz and the Paris Climate Agreement: Was his mistake calculated?

But does the


really not know what the

Paris Climate Agreement


Ted Cruz

, who has served on the Senate for over seven years, studied law at the elite universities of Princeton and Harvard, graduating magna cum laude.

So it is difficult to imagine that a trained lawyer and professional politician does not understand the concept of the simplest international treaties.

It is also conceivable that


deliberately chose his wording in order to convince the Republican voters that

Joe Biden

does not take their problems seriously and that he prefers to worry about the citizens of Paris.


List of rubric lists: © Ken Cedeno / POOL / AFP

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