The Limited Times

VIDEO. Pro-Navalny protests: more than 1,600 people arrested in Russia

1/23/2021, 4:55:40 PM

Tens of thousands of people demonstrated in some 60 cities in Russia to denounce the arrest of the main opposa

" Freedom !

"," Putin, thief!

Large rallies took place across Russia on Saturday, a week after the arrest of Alexey Navalny.

“The law is being flouted in an absolutely incredible way.

It is one of the most serious human and civil rights violations in the Russian Federation, Igor Possiker, lawyer and protester, told AFP.

This will become a precedent which can lead to the destruction of all our civil liberties.




 Navalny imprisoned in Russia: "It's an admission of weakness on the part of the Kremlin"

Clashes broke out between demonstrators and police, especially in Moscow where police were filmed beating protesters with batons throwing snowballs at them. The NGO OVD Info indicated in a latest report that nearly 1,600 arrests took place throughout the country. According to a video posted on social networks by Alexeï Navalny's team, his wife, Yulia Navalnaïa, was also arrested during the Moscow demonstration. Victim of suspected poisoning in August, the political opponent was arrested on January 17 by the authorities upon his arrival in Russia, after five months of convalescence in Germany. He was taken into custody for 30 days.