The Limited Times

Government: pressing on Conte. Boccia: 'Never with the sovereigns. With Fi it's different '

1/24/2021, 1:01:41 PM

Tabacci: 'The premier resigns, new government or vote'. Hypothesis of referral on the justice node (ANSA)

The government crisis, as in the main scene of a Sergio Leone film,

has reached the Mexican stalemate

, in which all the contenders point guns at each other without anyone being able to prevail.

The Dem leaders, in fact,

reiterate their no to Iv's return to the majority

, but the number of Pd parliamentarians who are not willing to "die for Conte" increase, while the latter is in turn not willing to resign and re-appoint a Count ter, not being able to count on the arrival in a short time of new "willing".

"I did what I could - says in an interview with 'Repubblica' Bruno Tabacci, president of Centro Democratico and one of the main promoters of the" builders "-  

but the numbers remain uncertain and this country does not need a gathering majority


I suggested a gesture of clarity to Conte: resign to form a new government.

And if he fails, he goes to vote.

To win".

Meanwhile, from the Democratic Party Minister Boccia tells SkyTg24: "" We, a government with the sovereignists, will never do it, we cannot do it to protect Italy and the Italian position in Europe.

With Fi it is different, but the question must be asked of them, they are the ones who are allied with the sovereignists. "Boccia reiterated that it is not possible to think of a government with everyone in it as" there are things that are not mediated ". And on Renzi: "We can confront each other at any time, this is not the issue.

The basic problem is not to do it with blackmail as a condition.

It is not acceptable and it is not acceptable to do so by withdrawing ministers. "" We are in Parliament and that is where a solution can always be found ".

The stalemate could jump Wednesday on Minister Bonafede's report to the Chambers

, on which the government risks being rejected, so much so that a postponement to Thursday is assumed to buy time.

A fluid scenario that sets in motion the moves of Forza Italia and the centrists who relaunch the government of national unity. 

"We have never asked for the option to vote but it is the situation that is bringing us there

. We have always put the national interest before that of the party. We are not the ones who push for the vote - says the vice president of Fi Antonio Tajani to Skytg24 - it is their crossed vetoes that risk bringing Italy to the vote but the word then, if Conte falls, it will be up to the Head of State who will have to decide what to do. We did not press to go to the vote but the consequences risk being inevitable ".

"We do not give aid under the table, we rely on the wisdom of the President of the Republic".