The Limited Times

Legionnaires: 69 minutes to Tomer Hemed, Wellington lost at home recently in the table - Walla! sport

1/24/2021, 9:10:40 AM

The New Zealanders surrendered 2: 1 to the Newcastle Jets and are bottom of the table in the Australian league. Below: Ben Shehar vs. Dor Micha, premiere of Barada in Honved

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Legionnaires: 69 minutes to Tomer Hemed, Wellington lost at home recently in the table

The New Zealanders surrendered 2: 1 to the Newcastle Jets and are bottom of the table in the Australian league.

Below: Ben Shehar vs. Dor Micha, premiere of Barada in Honved


  • Tomer Hemed

  • Micah's generation

  • Ben Shehar



Sunday, 24 January 2021, 11:03

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Starting a difficult season.

Tomer Hemed (Photo: GettyImages, Brendon Thorne)

Tomer Hemed

opened the game day for Israeli legionaries around the world today (Sunday), playing 69 minutes in the disappointing loss of Wellington Phoenix 2: 1 to Newcastle Jets. The Israeli striker started in the lineup and almost squeezed a penalty in the fourth minute after falling in the box, but a VAR test revealed that he was not fouled.

Hemed came up with two more chances later, but the Jets who did not score a single point in their four games this season enjoyed goals from Valentino Joel in the eighth minute and Roy O'Sullivan in the 51st minute. The Israeli striker was replaced in the 69th minute, the Mexican Ulysses Davila only shrank with a penalty in the 85th minute, and his team was left with one point after three games.

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