The Limited Times

58-year-old survived in the outback for 18 days

1/24/2021, 11:43:59 AM

He drank water from a stream and ate mushrooms: after more than two weeks in the Australian hinterland, Robert Weber was brought to a hospital "safe and sound".

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Rescue workers help Robert Weber after 18 days in the Australian outback

Photo: - / AFP

Robert Weber left his hotel in the city of Kilkivan, north of Brisbane, on January 6th and was not seen again afterwards.

The first findings of the police indicated that the 58-year-old had stopped with his car on an unfamiliar road in the Australian hinterland.

"He and his dog stayed in his car for three days before he ran out of water," the police said.

Weber then went on foot and got lost.

When he got to a dam, he stayed there.

He lived on dam water and mushrooms.

He slept on the floor.

After 18 days in the Australian outback, he has now been rescued, as the Australian news site reported.

He had been taken to a hospital, but "safe and well".

A week-long search and rescue operation had previously been unsuccessful.

He was finally found on Sunday by a local property owner.

According to the police, Weber's dog remained missing.

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kha / AFP