The Limited Times

XV of France: Toulonnais and Parisians in isolation in their rooms

1/25/2021, 7:40:41 PM

Arrived only this Monday morning in Nice, coming by mini-bus from Toulon where the RCT received the Stade Français on Sunday evening at the end of the 19th day of Top 14, the Toulonnais and the Parisians did not take part in the group's activities France this Monday. Charles Ollivon, Romain Taofifenua ...

Arrived only this Monday morning in Nice, coming by mini-bus from Toulon where the RCT received the Stade Français on Sunday evening at the end of the 19th day of Top 14, the Toulonnais and the Parisians did not take part in the group's activities France this Monday.

Charles Ollivon, Romain Taofifenua Baptiste Serin, Louis Carbonel, Gabin Villière Swan Rebbadj and Jean-Baptiste Gros (the latter two, injured, were forced to withdraw) on the RCT side, Gaël Fickou and Julien Delbouis for the SFP, had to pass their isolated day in their room while awaiting the result of their Covid test.


Info Figaro: how does the" ultra-strict "health bubble of the XV of France in Nice work

For the others, this first day was rather light: individual interviews, meetings of living environment, implementation of the sanitary protocol, a little bodybuilding, and "a very reduced pace on the lawn in the early evening to work on the different game systems ”.

The Blues who had not played Saturday or Sunday were entitled, in addition, to "an additional morning session" short but very intense ", said hooker from La Rochelle, Pierre Bourgarit.

1st day of gathering for #XVdeFrance!

The players who did not play a match on Sunday were able to go to @stadenicois for the first training of 2021!

Objective to prepare for the Tournament in optimal sanitary and sporting conditions! # / mfpaYLhokh

- France Rugby (@FranceRugby) January 25, 2021

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