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Corona lockdown: first school openings very soon? Suddenly there is talk in early February

1/25/2021, 9:13:36 PM

How much longer do students have to study in homeschooling? So far there is no single answer. The chairperson of the Standing Conference now brings a date into play.

How much longer do students have to study in homeschooling?

So far there is no single answer.

The chairperson of the Standing Conference now brings a date into play.


- School closings are among the most sensitive issues related to the

corona virus


The prime ministers are arguing with

Chancellor Angela Merkel

about sensible measures.

Parents, teachers and students want to have their say.

Studies come to different conclusions.

The latest decision of the

federal-state consultations

provides for schools to be "generally" closed until February 14th or for the mandatory attendance to be suspended.

Also with regard to the apparently more


Corona variant *

from the UK.

However, each federal state continues to decide for itself how to implement this decision.

So Baden-Württemberg - where there is a state election in March - left the country straight away.

Depending on the infection rate, the primary schools there could open again from February 1st.

But the


to be present should remain suspended.

Schools in corona lockdown: Chairperson of the Conference of Ministers of Education on openings

Support for this project now seems to come from the chairwoman of the


of ministers of education,

Britta Ernst

: She thinks the first school openings at the beginning of February are possible.

But: “Certainly not completely”, said the Brandenburg Education Minister in the

Rheinische Post


"But I think that if there is a corresponding infection



example with

alternating lessons, it is


However, this can initially only apply to final grades and the first grades.

Distance learning

over a long period of time is not particularly good for primary school children. "

It is repeatedly criticized that there is no uniform procedure across Germany.

“The infection rate is very different in Germany.

I think it's right if the federal states make different use of the leeway that the resolutions offer them, ”said Ernst.

“No country should have to wait for another to open its


to open."

Corona lockdown in Germany: vacation time and learning opportunities in summer

The SPD * politicians believe that shortening the holiday season, as some experts are calling for, is not so easy to do: “It is extremely complex.

Nobody in the

Standing Conference

is currently thinking about it. "

In the interview, she also spoke out in favor of

learning opportunities

during the summer vacation.

“I think that's very important.

During the summer holidays, schools should make offers to catch up on learning material that fell by the wayside in distance teaching.

That happened in many federal states last year, ”said Ernst.

When asked whether the

schools will be

closed until Easter, Education Minister *

Anja Karliczek

(CDU *) told


: “The better we get the numbers down, the sooner we can open.” In very general terms, she explains: “It is important that we Now think about concepts and then orientate ourselves on the infection numbers.

We can do face-to-face lessons where the numbers go down. ”

(Cibo) * is part of the Ippen-Digital network.

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