The Limited Times

Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox riot in demonstrations in Jerusalem Israel today

1/25/2021, 8:13:36 PM

| In the country Some of the young people who came to Shabbat Square in the city burned cans and blocked traffic lanes • Rabbi Kanievsky called on yeshivot and Torah students to refrain from participating in demonstrations Police forces are currently working to disperse hundreds of ultra-Orthodox people who gathered tonight (Monday) in Shabbat Square in Jerusalem in protest of police enforcement of the closure re

Some of the young people who came to Shabbat Square in the city burned cans and blocked traffic lanes • Rabbi Kanievsky called on yeshivot and Torah students to refrain from participating in demonstrations

Police forces are currently working to disperse hundreds of ultra-Orthodox people who gathered tonight (Monday) in Shabbat Square in Jerusalem in protest of police enforcement of the closure regulations.

The bus that was set on fire during the ultra-Orthodox demonstrations in Bnei Brak, yesterday // Photo: David Keshet

Some of the young people at the place burned cans, threw objects and blocked traffic routes in the area.

In response, the police used a handgun to disperse the people. At the same time, many ultra-Orthodox began to gather on Bar Ilan Street in the city.

Meanwhile, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky sent a letter this evening to my parents and students of the yeshivot and Talmud Torah, in which he called on them to refrain from participating in the demonstrations: "Of course there is no Haredi audience to speak in the demonstrations With the reckless ones outside our camp who ignite the fire of violence. In addition, one must also encourage not to approach these places and this is because away from the ugliness. It is worth avoiding the curiosity for this, because seeing these deeds is harmful to the soul ".