The Limited Times

Lunar New Year 2021|The King of Gua Seeds increases the price for the first time in 8 years due to the epidemic, and teaches the selection of Gua Seeds to be as red as possible | Haoshiwanfei

1/25/2021, 10:07:30 PM

As the Lunar New Year approaches, citizens have begun to send out new year goods. The new crown pneumonia ravaged the world last year. Will the epidemic affect the price of this year’s goods? A reporter from "Hong Kong 01" Food Channel visited the King of Sunflower Seeds in Shanghai Lu Jinji.

Food play

Written by: Luo Huanlin

2021-01-26 06:00

Last update date: 2021-01-26 06:00

As the Lunar New Year approaches, citizens have begun to send out new year goods. The new crown pneumonia ravaged the world last year. Will the epidemic affect the price of this year’s goods?

A reporter from the "Hong Kong 01" Food Channel visited Shanghai Lu Jinji Sunflower Seed King to share the new year's goods market and teach everyone the tricks of choosing a whole box of food such as melon seeds and sugar winter melon.

Shanghai Lu Jinji Melon Seed King was founded for more than 70 years, and is the only time-honored brand in Hong Kong that has its own workshop for fried melon seeds.

The current helm is the second generation of Lu Jinji, Lu Sailong. Bao Yaohua, who was interviewed that day, is his cousin who has been in the business for more than 40 years.

Bao Yaohua (photo by Luo Huanlin)

The epidemic affects the increase in costs, but it has no choice but to increase prices this year

Bao Yaohua said that the melon seeds in the store have always been imported from Wuwei City, Gansu Province, China. However, under the epidemic situation, the local melon seeds are generally finer than before. When purchasing the goods, choosing the same quality as last year will increase the cost in disguise.

Other factors include the increase in the exchange rate of RMB, and the increase in transportation costs, which have led to higher costs, and the price increase is about 10%. Bao Yaohua said: "The first price increase in eight years is due to an epidemic."

Usually the first half of the new year is the peak period for New Year's goods. There will be long queues outside the three branches. Bao Yaohua is worried that the epidemic will reduce the shopping desire of customers, and he is also afraid that the anti-epidemic measures introduced by the government will limit the flow of people in line and affect business.

He expects that this year's New Year's business will be 20 to 30% less than in previous years, so he dare not buy too much.

The price of melon seeds will increase by about 10% this year.

(Photo by Luo Huanlin)

Two ace black melon seeds in the store

Speaking of the most popular new year products, Bao Yaohua said that the five-spice soy sauce and the black melon seeds with licorice sweet soy sauce are the two best sellers.

The melon seeds are boiled in the ancient way until they are delicious, and then fried until they are dry and crispy. Just before the sale, they are fished with corn oil. The aroma is far from being smelled, and the mouth is crispy and easy to bite. It is the advantage of home-made in Hong Kong.

👇👇👇 Click the picture to see more New Year products in the store👇👇👇

The rule of selection

There are more Chinese New Year foods in the store, such as sugar winter melon, sugar lotus seeds, sunflower seeds, white melon seeds, pistachios, peanuts, etc.

👇👇👇 There is a secret when choosing!

According to the picture, teach you 8 new year foods to choose beautiful goods👇👇👇




🌸Additional screening 1: Relying on food to increase popularity🌸

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🌸Additional Screening 2: Looking for Romantic Wind Suzuki🌸

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👇👇👇 Click the picture to see more beautiful pictures of purple wind bells👇👇👇




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