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Senior ultra-Orthodox rabbis called for avoiding protests and confrontations: "This is not the way of the Torah" - Walla! news

1/25/2021, 8:07:30 PM

Rabbis Kanievsky and Edelstein, leaders of the Lithuanian current, tried to lower the flames in a letter sent to my parents and yeshiva students and Torah students. They joined Shas rabbis who clarified that there was a "severe ban" on participating in the violent demonstrations. The police agreed with the mayor of Bnei Brak on a joint plan to restore order

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Senior ultra-Orthodox rabbis called for avoiding protests and confrontations: "This is not the way of the Torah"

Rabbis Kanievsky and Edelstein, leaders of the Lithuanian current, tried to lower the flames in a letter sent to my parents and yeshiva students and Torah students.

They joined Shas rabbis who clarified that there was a "severe ban" on participating in the violent demonstrations. The police agreed with the mayor of Bnei Brak on a joint plan to restore order


  • Rabbi Kanievsky

  • Bnei Brak

  • Corona virus

  • Israel Police

Yaki Adamkar

Monday, 25 January 2021, 21:53

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In the video: Responses to the riots in Bnei Brak (Photo: Israel Police, Bnei Brak Municipality, Sapir Levy and Yotam Ronen)

Senior members of the ultra-Orthodox rabbis, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky and Rabbi Gershon Edelstein, this evening (Monday) issued a public call to refrain from participating in demonstrations or any confrontation with Israeli police officers, even with regard to enforcing corona regulations.

The letter from the two leaders of the Lithuanian current comes against the background of the violent protests in recent days in Bnei Brak, and it will also appear tomorrow in the newspaper Yated Ne'eman, the official magazine of the Degel HaTorah faction, which makes up Torah Judaism.

This is an attempt to lower the flames and calm the area after the clashes in recent days in Bnei Brak.

The recitation of the two joined the recitation of the Shas rabbis, headed by the President of the Council of Sages, Rabbi Shalom Cohen, according to which, " ".

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The letter will be published in a faithful peg.

Kanievsky and Waldstein (Photo: Official website, David Zer, courtesy of the Haredi website Kikar Hashabat)

Rabbi David Yosef, a member of the Council of Sages, also today condemned the violence against the police and the case of the arson of the bus in Bnei Brak, thus joining the words of his brother, Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, who called for an end to the violence.

Rabbi David wrote that "we are sorry to hear that there are Jews who call themselves observant of the Torah and mitzvos who use violence, desecrating heaven there. Their way is not our way."

Public call to avoid any confrontation with police officers.

Bnei Brak, last night (Photo: official website, police spokeswoman)

Earlier today, the Tel Aviv District Commander, David Bitan, who was appointed Deputy Commissioner, visited Bnei Brak, and visited the rabbinical houses, including Rabbi Yehuda Silman and Rabbi Shimon Badani. Peace and order for the city ", as they say.

Rubinstein, who was attacked yesterday by boys in a crowd in the city center, said after the meeting that" we will in no way allow fringe elements to tarnish the city and damage the fabric of our lives.

"In coordination with the police, with determination but with sensitivity, violence will be avoided as it is and we will restore order to the city streets," he said.

"A joint plan to restore peace and order to the city."

Rubinstein and Pavilion in Bnei Brak, Today (Photo: Official Website, Bnei Brak Municipality Spokeswoman)

Last night there was an escalation in violence.

Violent riots and clashes broke out in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak, as part of a protest by factions in the ultra-Orthodox sector against the police and regulations prohibiting the operation of educational institutions and gatherings.

In Bnei Brak, four suspects were arrested for setting fire to an Afikim bus in a residential neighborhood and injuring the driver, as well as trying to break into a fire station.

Demonstrators set fire to barricades across the city, clashing with police.

In Jerusalem, large forces were called to Shabbat Square, after several dozen protesters gathered at the scene and, according to the police, began throwing stones and blocking arteries.

According to police, the protesters caused damage to traffic lights and other infrastructure in the area.

Two were arrested on suspicion of involvement in throwing stones and vandalizing property.

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