The Limited Times

Small German town has a corona incidence of 0 - the mayor finds a simple explanation for this

1/25/2021, 9:37:36 PM

A small town in Hesse is currently making a name for itself: The corona incidence here is 0. The mayor has a simple explanation for this.

A small town in Hesse is currently making a name for itself: The corona incidence here is 0. The mayor has a simple explanation for this.

  • The corona numbers in Germany are slowly falling.

  • A small town in Hesse has now reached an incidence value of 0.

  • The Mayor of


    has a simple explanation and still warns.

Allendorf an der Lumda - The



seem to be working slowly but surely



- at least when you look at the

current RKI figures.

The number of

new infections

is falling.

Nevertheless, the institute reported a seven-day incidence of 112.6 across Germany (as of January 23, 2021).

A small town in Hesse can come up with much better values ​​and therefore now attracts a lot of looks.

Corona incidence from zero: small town in Hesse attracts attention

In the 4000-inhabitant city of


in the middle of Hesse, between Gießen and Marburg, the incidence was zero as of January 20.

This means that there has not been a single new infection with the coronavirus in the last seven days.

Only 25 infected people who had previously contracted the virus are still listed.

The district had determined the incidence - the health department confirmed the report to the Hessischer Rundfunk.

Now many are asking: How did Allendorf achieve this value?

Corona incidence of zero: Allendorfer mayor with simple explanation


Mayor Thomas Benz it

is clear that the gratifying incidence value is no merit that can be attributed to special measures and that he certainly does not credit himself.

So Benz to RTL.

Compared to HR, he revealed his opinion on the Allendorf “secret recipe” against Corona

: “Here in Allendorf, you look at each other,” explains the mayor and continues: “You help each other.

And if someone is in need or if someone is now infected - is in quarantine - and you ask your neighbor to go shopping for him, then that will of course be done.

(...) That is perhaps one of the reasons why these people really stay at home and not, as in urban areas, perhaps go out and infect others. ”In this respect, his simple explanation is:

The Allendorfers apparently adhere to the applicable rules Corona rules.

Nevertheless, Benz also warns in the interview not to lapse into cheers or even to celebrate the incidence value together.

This is only appropriate after the pandemic has been overcome.

Until then, he admonishes the residents of Allendorf to continue to adhere to the applicable rules.

Nevertheless, German politicians are currently afraid of the new Corona mutation.

Therefore, the entry rules for more than 20 countries have now been tightened.


List of rubric lists: © Ronald Zak

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