The Limited Times

The Saudi aggression launches new raids on Yemeni governorates

1/25/2021, 10:49:47 PM

Sana'a - SANA The Saudi regime's aviation continued its aggression against Yemen, targeting a series of raids on a number of provinces

Sana'a - Sana

The Saudi regime's aviation continued its aggression against Yemen, targeting a number of governorates with a series of raids, causing severe damage to civilian property and infrastructure.

Al Masirah Net quoted a Yemeni security source as saying that "the Saudi aggression launched 18 raids on the Sarwah district in the Ma'rib governorate."

In Al-Bayda governorate, the aggression's aircraft launched a raid on the Nati` district and another on the Fadhha district in the same district, and a raid also launched a raid on the Shada border district in the Saada governorate.

The Saudi regime has continued its aggression against the Yemeni people since March 2015, leaving tens of thousands of victims and massive damage to the country's infrastructure.

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