The Limited Times

When the Defender of Rights is committed to the burkini

1/25/2021, 8:40:47 PM

Seized by the Collective against Islamophobia in France, dissolved for Islamism, he considers that its ban is discriminatory.

Even dissolved, the Collective against Islamophobia in France (CCIF) continues to operate its relays.

On December 22, the services of the Defender of Rights (DDD) sent a threatening letter to the president of the Jablines-Annet leisure center, in Seine-et-Marne, owned by the Île-de-France region.

“It seems to me that the ban on the burkini within the leisure center is likely to constitute discrimination,”

writes George Pau-Langevin, assistant to the Defender of Rights.

A referral based on a complaint from the CCIF.

Which, accused by the government of

"consistently propagating Islamist propaganda"

, was dissolved on December 2.

Read also:

The Collective against Islamophobia in France mobilizes its members before the Council of State

"An unacceptable bias"

The case dates back to October 2019, when the CCIF sends a complaint to the leisure center, with a copy to the DDD, requesting

"the removal of the panel and the article"

of the regulation prohibiting access

"to people wearing a burkini"


The region argues that since the adoption of the charter of values ​​of the Republic and secularism,

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