The Limited Times

De Falco, towards agreement per group with Maie, we are 10

1/26/2021, 4:31:54 PM

"We are reaching an agreement, together with the 5 senators of the Maie group (Movement for Italians abroad, ed) and others who do not belong to the Misto group, there should be about ten". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, JANUARY 26 - "We are reaching an agreement, together with the 5 senators of the Maie group (Movement for Italians abroad, ed) and others who do not belong to the Mixed group, we should be about ten". To tell the Ansa is ilsenatore Gregorio De Falco, former M5s and now to the Mixed and who has just asked to join the Democratic Center of Bruno Tabacci. "We are discussing. It is a question of building the political content of a parliamentary group that is being established - he added in a pause in the meeting with the other senators - which aims above all to safeguard Italians at this moment, and in view of the management of the Recovery funds". (HANDLE).