The Limited Times

Federico's last days as told by Federico

1/26/2021, 11:55:31 PM

Monjeau recounted his illness as if what was happening to him was happening to someone else. 01/26/2021 20:30 Clarí Opinion Updated 01/26/2021 20:30 " Report to the Department. Doctor . Dear friends, I wish I could give you good news, but sadly I had a relapse in prostate cancer treatment . Already at the end of a six-session chemotherapy that seemed to have started very successfully, the cancer resumed its activity ... I remind you that originally chemo had been chosen since the st

01/26/2021 20:30

  • Clarí

  • Opinion

Updated 01/26/2021 20:30


Report to the Department.



Dear friends, I wish I could give you good news,

but sadly I had a relapse in prostate cancer treatment


Already at the end of a six-session chemotherapy that seemed to have started very successfully, the cancer resumed its activity ... I remind you that originally chemo had been chosen since the studies after the operation

had indicated bone metastases


“The relapse was manifested through a very acute pain in the area of ​​the operation, in addition to fever and a very marked elevation of antigens.

It was decided to continue with radiotherapy, although

before that I had to be hospitalized ... for pain treatment from November 13 to 18


Back at home, and while I was preparing for the rays, at dawn on November 28

I had to be hospitalized again for a heart attack


Doctors characterized it as a "secondary" heart attack, a product more of a lack of red blood cells than an arterial occlusion, and therefore less harmful than traditional heart attacks.

They released me on Tuesday ”.

“I estimate that next week I will be able to start with the rays.

I asked my oncologist for a report to present both at


and at the University of Buenos Aires, where I also work.

As soon as I have them I'll send it to you.

Meanwhile, I send you the two epicrises.

Thanks for everything and sorry for the inconvenience


Greetings, Federico Monjeau ”.

Federico Monjeau was an exceptional character in culture.

A unique music critic, with the

ability to communicate with everyone


It is difficult to find a parallel.

This Tuesday he was buried in Mar del Plata.

The obituaries have already dealt with his death this Saturday.

Here we want to talk a little about that guy to whom cancer was taking his life and he, as if nothing else,

narrated the disease with the precision of a chronicler, and as if what was happening to him was happening to another


He described and distanced himself.

No self-pity.

He faced the worst without abandoning his grace or dwelling on regret.

He even apologized for not being able to go back to work.


A guy who enjoyed Schubert and used a language of antigens and radiotherapy and epicrisis to tell his condition with enormous courage and the greatest clarity, a courtesy of a good writer.

Federico was a cultured person and

truly cultured people don't flaunt their culture, they share it


He had a great sense of humor and did not cultivate the frivolity of high profile but books and, above all, music.

He brought us closer to those whom we did not listen to or understand and left us another gift

: appreciating Mozart, which is happiness in music.

He lived the years of the dictatorship in exile with his family in São Paulo.

He returned with the democratic recovery and came back different from the one who had left: more rational, mature, open and

willing to accept that things can be different from how one sees them


In that he embodied the best of our generation: he demystified skewed history.

He was an honest intellectual in times when dishonest intellectuals abound who do, as officials, what they condemned as militants and passively tolerate corruption.

The newsroom lost one of its best men.

I had the enormous privilege of meeting him.

The last act suddenly defines a whole life.

That last act shows that Federico never abandoned his dignity


Look also

Federico Monjeau, an exceptional journalist and music critic, has died

About Federico Monjeau: an editor's notes on a very unusual teacher and companion