The Limited Times

Guenda Goria, cheering for mom at Gf Vip and in the meantime I dream of the 18th century

1/26/2021, 8:23:22 AM

The actress is in the cast of Anime Borboniche on Prime Video (ANSA) "They had told me six months ago, I would not have believed it: I was my mother's supporter. After having spent a whole life scolding her, as a daughter, about a thousand things, now I find myself twenty-four hours a day defending her, managing his followers. It is really an adverse fate, a question of karma ... ". He ironically makes fun of Guenda Goria, actress, pianist, director, double daughte

"They had told me six months ago, I would not have believed it: I was my mother's supporter. After having spent a whole life scolding her, as a daughter, about a thousand things, now I find myself twenty-four hours a day defending her, managing his followers. It is really an adverse fate, a question of karma ... ". He ironically makes fun of Guenda Goria, actress, pianist, director, double daughter of art and former competitor of Big Brother Vip, the reality show of Canale 5 where in September she joined her mother, Maria Teresa Ruta (her father is the journalist Amedeo Goria). "I was the most convinced to participate - she tells ANSA -. I'm telling the truth: I had the feeling that for the live show this winter it would be very hard. And it went even worse. The Gf Vip should have ended in December and in these days I was already scheduled on the bill at the Martinitt Theater in Milan with a new comedy. Instead everything is closed, with thousands of technicians, artists, operators without a salary for months. With mom - he continues - we have been a 'couple' since 2017, when I called her as the protagonist in Joyce Carol Oates' In the Dark of America, my first play as a director in the theater. The role was perfect: a ruthless TV journalist of pain. Last year, however, due to Covid and the first lockdown, we did not see each other for six months and the Gf was also a golden opportunity to be together. Fulvio Abbate in the house told us that we looked like two friends on a trip to Barcelona. Now, after four months, he is proving an estate and a patience that not even me I expected". Game dynamics and televoting have in fact wanted Goria out of the race prematurely. But while for the reality show, stretched in the running, there is now talk of a final at the end of February, she is among the protagonists of "Bourbon Souls", the comedy signed by Paolo Consorti and Guido Morra, now available on Prime Video distributed by 102 Distribution . A story within history, shot among the late Baroque wonders of the Royal Palace of Caserta, with a couple in crisis in the midst of the staging of an eighteenth-century historical reconstruction. She (played by Susy Del Giudice) is a jealous teacher, he (Ernesto Mahieux) a barber who for the big occasion pretends to be a coachman: they quarrel on the way from home to the Royal Palace and her husband finds himself dumped on the street, in red livery , without wallet and phone, to hitchhike (in the cast also Giovanni Esposito, Giobbe Covatta, Rosaria Di Cicco, Giovanni Allocca, Pierluigi Dilengite, Randall Paul, Cinzia Carrea, Massimo De Matteo and Pietro Ciciriello). "I play a girl who for the historical reconstruction plays the role of a lady in love with art - says Goria - She wants to be an actress and trusts a braggart artist. A character that looks a bit like me. I love that one. era and I have always had a slightly retro soul. I feel great in those dresses, even in the corsets or in the shoes so uncomfortable - she smiles - Thinking back to that set, two summers ago, now it really seems like another life, a other freedom. The best side of our job is human contact, socializing, building a new family every time on the set or on a stage. Losing all this, as well as an economic tragedy, is changing human relationships a lot. There was also a positive side for me: in the lockdown I reduced everything to the essential. May at least this pandemic teach us what are the really important things in our life ".

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