The Limited Times

Harry Potter could become a TV series for HBO Max

1/26/2021, 6:37:36 PM

The successful franchise, owned by WarnerMedia, grossed $ 7.7 billion in theaters. HBO Max, WarnerMedia's streaming service, has it found its new goose that lays the golden eggs? Possible. In any case, speculation is rife on the adaptation of the successful Harry Potter saga to a television series . According to The Hollywood Reporter site, discussions have been initiated with potential screenwriters to explore all avenues to convert the franchise to the small screen. The proje

HBO Max, WarnerMedia's streaming service, has it found its new goose that lays the golden eggs?


In any case, speculation is rife on the adaptation of the successful

Harry Potter

saga to a television series


According to

The Hollywood Reporter site,

discussions have been initiated with potential screenwriters to explore all avenues to convert the franchise to the small screen.

The project is only at the embryonic stage since these are the very “

first exploratory meetings


So far, no agreement has been formally signed.

And besides, the major denied the

Hollywood Reporter


Despite everything, the American magazine ensures that "

many discussions are underway"

to launch the project.

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On paper, the idea clearly makes sense.

WarnerMedia, owned by telecoms giant AT&T, has controlled the rights to the Harry Potter franchise since the late 1990s. Released in 1997, JK Rowling's work has been a hit

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