The Limited Times

Madrid do not get the accounts

1/26/2021, 9:10:59 AM

With 40 points after 19 games, Real Madrid plans to finish the season with 80. Nobody has won such a 'cheap' league since 2006-07. And Atleti projects 100 ...

Real Madrid 2020-21 does not get LaLiga accounts.

Although he still has a postponed game (against Getafe, from the first day

; he will play it on February 9), he has already played 19 so far in the domestic championship, so it can be considered that he has closed the first round and he has done it with 40 points.

At this rate, Zidane's men plan to finish the League with 80, an amount that is clearly insufficient to win the title.

Without going any further, Real Madrid won the 2019-20 championship, despite being a tremendously irregular course by the whites

(especially before confinement), with 87 points;

and that they were proclaimed champions with a day of margin and were carried away in the last game.

To find the last champion to win the title with 80 points or less, you have to look for Madrid himself from the 2006-07 campaign

, led by Fabio Capello and who won the championship with 76 points.

None of the last 13 titles was booked with less than 85 points

(Madrid itself, in 2007-08) and in that time two consecutive 100-point leagues have been seen (Madrid in 2011-12 and Barcelona in the 2012-13), in addition to one of 99 (Barcelona 2009-10), another of 96 (Barcelona 2010-11), one of 94 (Barcelona 2014-15), two of 93 (Madrid 2016-17 and Barcelona 2017- 18) ...

A League of 80 points would clearly break with the dynamics of the last decade and a half.

It would have a fit in the second half of the 90s or in the first championships of the 2000s:

since the League was reduced from 22 to 20 teams

(in 1997-98),

eight of the first ten editions were closed with 80 points or less.

Madrid signed up three of them (2000-01, 2002-03 and 2006-07), Barcelona two (1997-98 and 1998-99), Valencia another two (2002-02 and 2003-04) and Deportivo one, the cheapest of this whole series: in 1999-2000, with only 69 points.

Atleti, at a record pace

And the worst thing is that Madrid does not depend on itself to win LaLiga.

They have Atleti ahead, with 47 points

, seven more and also one game less, since the rojiblancos have only played 18. Right now, their projection of points is 99.2;

If they win in their next match, they would stand with 50 at the LaLiga equator and the projection would become 100, the historical record

for the Spanish tournament.

The rojiblancas statistics clearly surpass the madridistas: they score more goals (two per game; Madrid, 1.8) and receive much less (0.44 per game for Atleti, 0.84 for Madrid).

Madrid need to increase the rhythm and for Cholo to lower it.

If not, the accounts do not come out.