The Limited Times

VIDEO. 100,000 dead from Covid-19 in UK: Johnson takes "full responsibility"

1/26/2021, 7:28:42 PM

The United Kingdom became, Tuesday January 26, the first European country to cross the threshold of 100,000 deaths due to Covid-19.

He boasted of shaking the hands of patients at the hospital at the beginning of last March, now Boris Johnson is doing his mea culpa.

In the midst of the third wave of a virulent pandemic following the appearance of a variant considered to be much more contagious, the British Prime Minister deplores and assumes "full responsibility" for the deaths of his compatriots.

With 100,162 deaths linked to Covid-19, the United Kingdom has the heaviest death toll in Europe.

“I want to reiterate that I am deeply sorry for every life lost,” said Boris Johnson.

What I can tell you is that we have really done all we can and continue to do all we can to minimize the loss of life and suffering in what has been a very, very difficult stage, and a very difficult crisis.


The UK was the first Western country to approve a vaccine in early December.

Faced with the dramatic worsening of the health crisis, the authorities postponed the injection of the second dose to 12 weeks and mobilized tens of thousands of volunteers to speed up the campaign, carried out in mass centers including cathedrals and mosques.

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