The Limited Times

Coronavirus: Commuting from the high

1/26/2021, 6:10:42 PM

Queues in front of the test centers, failed bus connections: the new entry rules for commuters from the Czech Republic are causing displeasure and chaos.

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Traffic jams and long queues in front of the test centers on the German border.

For commuters from the Czech Republic, there was one thing above all: be patient at the beginning of the week.

The federal government has declared the neighboring country a high-risk area - and is now demanding corona tests from those entering the country.

O-Ton Ivana Krizova employee of a German company "We have nothing against the corona test, but you should also test the Germans."

O-Ton Ondrej Filko Factory worker "I have myself tested for the first time, but you can't do it several times a week."

Previously, cross-border commuters and commuters had to be tested once a week, now every 48 hours.

In order to cope with the significantly increased volume, some border districts have opened rapid test stations.

Like here at the Vollmau crossing in Furth im Wald.

O-Ton Jiri Welder

“This is my first time here, but I've already been tested at other border crossings.

I will probably have to come here every other day now. "

After the smear, the commuters can continue to drive.

You get your result on your mobile phone.

If the test is positive, they are not allowed to go to work, but have to go home or do an additional PCR test at the ward.

Original sound Ivanka partner employee of a German company »It's a bit discriminatory.

We have many infected people here, but the Germans should also be checked. "

However, Germans who commute to work in the Czech Republic are also required to take a 48-hour test.

Many of them can be tested by the family doctor and do not drive back and forth every day.

The Czech Republic recently had a seven-day incidence of around 461 cases per 100,000 inhabitants within a week, about four times as high as in Germany.