The Limited Times

"Macarena", "Moulaga" and beers: the departure drink at the Aubervilliers police station causes a scandal

1/27/2021, 9:25:31 PM

Thirty police officers celebrated the departure of one of their colleagues, ignoring health rules. But the evening was filmed

The air of "La Macarena" which escapes from the Aubervilliers police station (Seine-Saint-Denis), men and women with uncertain contours who jiggle to the frenzied rhythm of the world hit of summer 1996. La scene was captured by an amateur videographer, presumably a policeman who did not share the enthusiasm of his colleagues.

This small festive sequence published by Loopsider, takes place, according to the information site, at the Aubervilliers police station, on January 22.

Police officials had organized a lieutenant's departure party.

Full of enthusiasm, they begin the choreography of “La Macarena”.

Then, a little later in the video, several of them sing in chorus “Moulaga”, the piece of Heuss l'Enfoiré, between two images of petit fours and beers impeccably aligned.

At least thirty people, including officers, are gathered for this festive moment which, according to Loopsider, continued late into the night.

Even if the people are blurred, we realize that the participants are not masked.

Not to mention the rules of social distancing.

In full curfew, this police station held a departure drink, without a mask, without social distancing, while these gatherings are prohibited.

Welcome to the Aubervilliers police station in Seine-Saint-Denis.

- Loopsider (@Loopsidernews) January 27, 2021

A policeman familiar with the Aubervilliers police station who was able to view the images confirms this: “There is no doubt.

He guesses the place where the celebrations were held: the police station rest room, the only place large enough to host such events.

Except that in times of pandemic and health constraints, police or not, everyone is required to strictly respect the rules.

In the ranks of the officers, everyone has seen the images but no one dares to mention the subject publicly.

François Léger, regional director of local security for Seine-Saint-Denis, limited himself to a “no comment”.

The police unions followed suit.

"Administrative sanctions are being considered"

How could such an event have taken place in the midst of a pandemic?

The departure drink would have been authorized by the commissioner, according to Loopsider.

A policeman doubts it: “I cannot believe that she gave her authorization, she is someone extremely rigorous.

It's not his style.

“Since the health crisis, this kind of fuss is prohibited.


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“It was the subject of a memo.

Starting pots are completely prohibited.

If we don't lead by example, then who will!

", We explain to the police headquarters, which takes the opportunity to give a reminder:" Friendly gatherings of people are prohibited in police stations.

Reminders are regularly made.

They must submit to the strict protocol of respecting barrier gestures and wearing a mask.


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Sanctions should soon fall: “Explanatory reports have been requested.

Administrative sanctions are being considered, ”continues the police headquarters.

These sanctions could target "all participants as well as the commissioner who let it happen", we are told elsewhere.

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