The Limited Times

A vandalized church in Montpellier

1/27/2021, 8:41:23 PM

Several places of worship in Hérault have suffered desecration in recent months. They attacked a table on which is a prayer book, then the ambo against which rests an icon. Spared by the flames which licked the frame, the pious image was the victim of an insulting inscription. Behind the altar, at the foot of the cross, other inscriptions insulting Jesus Christ have been inscribed. Read also: Vandalism in churches: from simple tag to desecration Open every day for nearly a y

They attacked a table on which is a prayer book, then the ambo against which rests an icon.

Spared by the flames which licked the frame, the pious image was the victim of an insulting inscription.

Behind the altar, at the foot of the cross, other inscriptions insulting Jesus Christ have been inscribed.

Read also:

Vandalism in churches: from simple tag to desecration

Open every day for nearly a year from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., the Saint-Paul church in Montpellier (Hérault) has been blasphemed according to a mode of action that is more like that of idle adolescents than to organized and militant desecration.

Father Jean-Louis Cathala, parish priest in charge of the parish, also refuses to qualify as profanation, the offense against his church.

“It's an insult to Jesus.

It's serious.

But I do not wish to add to the emotional charge, ”

explains the priest who discovered the damage Monday evening, when he came to close the church shortly before the 6 pm curfew.

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