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Eight days to close the lists, and contacts between the religious Zionist parties are stuck - Walla! 2021 Elections

1/27/2021, 8:11:12 PM

Unions on the right can bring Netanyahu closer to a dream government of 61 seats, but in the meantime the talks are taking place at a slow pace and the gaps are large. It is estimated that the parties will be able to reach an agreement, but the dynamics may leave at least two seats out of the game.

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Eight days to close the lists, and contacts between the religious Zionist parties are stuck

Unions on the right can bring Netanyahu closer to a dream government of 61 seats, but in the meantime the talks are taking place at a slow pace and the gaps are large.

It is estimated that the parties will be able to reach an agreement, but the dynamics may leave at least two seats out of the game.


  • 2021 Elections

  • Religious Zionism

  • Bezalel Smutrich

  • Hagit Moshe

  • Jewish Home

  • Itamar Ben Gvir

  • Benjamin Netanyahu

  • Jewish power

Yaki Adamkar

Wednesday, 27 January 2021, 21:07

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In the video: Deri pledges to return Saar and Bennett to the Netanyahu camp (Photo: Shas spokeswoman)

Religious Zionism can bring Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu closer to a dream government of 61 seats, but eight days to close the lists, and negotiations between the parties are stalled.

The party leaders are holding contacts at a slow pace and the gaps between them are too great.

It is estimated that the parties will be able to reach an agreement, but the dynamics may leave at least two seats out of the game.

Just a week ago, the chairman of the Jewish House, Hagit Moshe, won the primaries for the presidency of the Jewish House, and in negotiations with the chairman of Religious Zionism, MK Bezalel Smutrich, she demands first place on the list or a senior position in the government, as a condition for joint running. Moshe asked that the positions on the list be equal - in the "Richard" format. Smutrich sees this as an excessive demand in light of the state of the Jewish home in the polls (0.3% in a poll published yesterday on Channel 12 - 11), and refuses to accept its terms.

Moshe and Smutrich met last night for the second time since their victory last week, but the gaps between them are too great.

According to her, "the ball is in Smutrich's hands and if he is interested in signing, you can accept the outline he himself proposed a year ago to Rabbi Rafi Peretz and immediately sign a joint run."

Read more on the subject

  • Hagit Moshe was elected chairman of the Jewish House

  • Netanyahu's associates are working for the unification of Smutrich and Ben Gvir, Bennett is waiting for the Jewish home

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"The ball is in his hands."

Smutrich (Photo: Official Website, Gili Yaari, Flash 90)

Despite the difficulty in contacts with the Jewish home, Smutrich does not conduct parallel negotiations with Jewish power.

After announcing an independent run and saying goodbye to right-wing chairman Naftali Bennett, he will now try to brand himself as the leader of religious Zionism and escape the image of extremism that has clung to him in recent years. The party gets more than two seats, and can almost certainly pass it the blocking percentage.

The right estimates that such a union has "low chances", and if it is implemented, then "only at the last minute".

The fact that Smutrich is in no hurry to maintain contacts with Ben Gvir may also indicate another possibility that may arise on the eve of the closing of the lists: reunification with Bennett.

The relationship between the two is very murky in light of the statements made by both of them in the media.

Bennett accused this week that "Smutrich split the right," claiming he sees no chance of running with him, and Smutrich claimed he was "not in the right direction."

Despite this, if the right weakens in the polls, and religious Zionism continues to scratch the blocking percentage, it is not inconceivable that the two will sit down for negotiations.

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To the full article

The gaps between her and Smutrich are still too great.

Moshe (Photo: Official website, Jewish House spokeswoman)

Prime Minister Netanyahu was involved in the primaries for the presidency of the Jewish House, led Moshe's victory for the presidency of the party, but in the meantime is not investing too much effort in a broad union to the right of his party.

Smutrich refuses to allow him to intervene, but political sources estimate that if he does not make significant progress by the beginning of next week, Netanyahu will try to force it, in any way.

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