The Limited Times

In Grenoble, the town hall is trying to oppose the establishment of a KFC

1/27/2021, 9:55:31 PM

In a letter addressed to the French leader of the fast-food brand, two elected representatives from Grenoble ask him to give up his project. But the municipality finds itself very helpless against the American giant.

Will a new KFC emerge in Grenoble?

The brand covets a location on avenue Alsace-Lorraine, to the chagrin of the town hall.

Two elected officials published a letter last Monday in which they call on the group to give up its project.

To read also: Éric Piolle: "We lack a local police force"

"If this potential establishment is free enterprise and free competition, we nevertheless wanted to inform you hereby that the City of Grenoble was absolutely not in favor of installing such a fast-food project on its premises. territory, ”

they write, addressing KFC France President Timothy Michael Colborn.

Sandra Krief and Maxence Alloto point the finger at

"an exporter and importer of pollution, waste generator, offering standardized products unrelated to virtuous local sectors"

and denounce

"an economic model" "precarious for employees and the law labor "


" disastrous breeding conditions "


A vain fight

"We are opposed to it, quite simply, because KFC does not represent what we wear politically"

, confirm the two elected to Le



The ecologist town hall re-elected in 2020, which praises the efforts made to promote

"the local economy, the short circuit and virtuous sectors",

sees in this implementation project a misinterpretation of the values ​​it advocates.

"We do not want to contribute to this system,"

they insist.

But despite all their good intentions, Sandra Krief and Maxence Alloto recognize that they are very helpless in the face of the will of the American giant, which nothing prevents to covet these new premises.

This operation concerning the purchase of a business, the town hall has indeed no power to contest it.

In the case of a sale of commercial walls, it has a right of first refusal to acquire the property itself, rather than the buyer who has positioned himself.

But this operation is not possible in the case of the sale of a business.

"Currently our tools are limited, expensive and sometimes heavy to implement,"

lament Sandra Krief and Maxence Alloto.

In addition to their letter to KFC, they therefore intend to address the government directly.

The objective: to obtain

“a legal tool concerning the sales of businesses that is adapted and more flexible but above all necessary to maintain a diversified offer and support local businesses”

in the city heavily impacted by the health crisis.

McDonald's vs. Oléron

This is not the first time that the installation of a fast-food chain has aroused the anger of local elected officials.

One of the most emblematic cases remains that of the establishment of a McDonald's on the island of Oléron.

For five years, the American giant has faced the opposition, led by the then mayor of Dolus d'Oléron Grégory Gendre, to finally see the light of day in December 2019.

“These brands are looking for the best places that are available. those at the entrance to cities but they are already taken.

They are therefore looking for new locations, ”he


In addition to the arguments defended by Sandra Krief and Maxence Ollot, Grégory Gendre also denounced the work necessary to accommodate the new restaurant on the island.

“According to town planning rules, when you have a certain number of commercial square meters, you also need a certain number of parking spaces.

This required filling and artificialising the ditches intended for water reserves in order to gain each necessary square meter and to put the restaurant in a shoehorn




After taking the case to court until seizing the Council of State, Grégory Gendre had to resolve to see the restaurant established.

In the case of Grenoble, no town planning problem can hinder the establishment of the KFC, recognize the two elected officials who hope, however, that their letter, relayed on Twitter by the mayor of the city Eric Piolle, will be able to

"alert and raise awareness"


“We are not at all against setting up fast food restaurants in Grenoble, but quality fast food restaurants.

What we want is that the Grenoblois and Grenobloise consume quality ”

, they conclude, saying they are open to discussions with the channel.

"We do not know if that will make them give up but it will perhaps at least allow to start a dialogue"

, they hope.

For its part, KFC France tells

Le Figaro

“to regret the prejudices to which it is subject.” “Over the next few weeks, we intend to continue our discussions with the town hall of Grenoble.

We will be at the disposal of the mayor and the various elected officials of the city to present our company and our project of opening to Grenoble ”

they add, defining itself as a

“ responsible company and resolutely committed to a process of continuous improvement. "
