The Limited Times

In one year, unemployment has exploded in Ile-de-France

1/27/2021, 7:37:54 PM

Surprisingly, the health crisis explains the very marked deterioration of the labor market in the region, which is much more affected than the rest of the country.

In Ile-de-France, the number of unemployed people not exercising any activity, even partial (category A), jumped by 15.3% during the year 2020. This represents 100,000 more people registered with Pole employment.

In total, the Paris region, which had 655,000 men and women looking for work as of December 31, 2019, now has 755,230.

In proportion to the number of inhabitants in Paris and its suburbs, this increase is greater than the increase in the number of unemployed recorded at the national level, which stands at 7.5%, or 265,400 additional registrants in the fourth quarter of 2020 by report for the 4th quarter of 2019, according to data published this Wednesday by Pôle emploi.


Unemployment: why the drop at the end of 2020 should be put into perspective

Including job seekers with a reduced activity (category B and C) and still looking for a full-time job, the number of unemployed in Ile-de-France reached 1,058,690 in the 4th quarter of 2020, i.e. an increase of 8.6% over one year.

Unsurprisingly, the health crisis, and particularly the first confinement (March 17-May 10) during which economic activity almost came to a halt, explain the very marked deterioration of the labor market in the Paris region as in the rest of the world. 'Hexagon.

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"We are paying today, in terms of employment, the very rigorous confinement of spring 2020. Not to mention that the confinement of November slowed down the rebound of the start of the school year in September when the barometer of the business climate had returned almost to its usual level ”, analyzes Bernard Cohen-Hadad, president of the Confederation of SMEs (CPME) of Paris-Ile-de-France.

And to clarify: "If we had not had state aid to finance partial unemployment, loans guaranteed by the state (PGE), the solidarity fund ..., the unemployment figures would be much worse.


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As for the future, the president of CPME, insurance broker in the nineteenth arrondissement of Paris, does not hide that "the horizon 2021 is mortgaged by the prospect of a third confinement which weighs on activity like a sword of Damocles.

Under these conditions, business leaders, for fear of having to lay off then, freeze any hiring plan, even if they need the skills to adapt their sales and internal management tools to digital.



Containment: the government has devoted 33 billion euros to partial unemployment

Paradoxically, according to figures published by the prefecture of the Ile-de-France region on Wednesday evening, the increase in 2020 in the number of job seekers without any activity is stronger in the richest, very popular departments. large companies that set up their head offices there, such as Hauts-de-Seine which recorded a 16% increase in the number of unemployed, Paris (+ 15.7%) and even Val-de-Marne (+ 16.1 %).

It is in Seine-Saint-Denis, the poorest department in France where 17.5% of the population (or 280,000 people) live below the poverty line (according to the report of the observatory of inequalities of November 26, 2020 ), that the increase in the number of job seekers (+ 13.9%) is the smallest in 2020. In all the other Ile-de-France departments, the increase in the unemployment rate is over 15%.